Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

4.6 Caseload Conferences

Location Juvenile Services - Division Wide
Section N/A
Subject 4.6 Caseload Conferences
Purpose To establish a procedure for how caseload conferences are conducted in the Juvenile Services Division and Coastal Valley Academy
Effective Date 3/22/2021 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


Juvenile Services Division Supervising Deputy Probation Officers (SDPOs) and the SDPO assigned to the Placement/Commitment Unit will conduct caseload conferences and statistical reviews at regular intervals with case carrying Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) for quality assurance purposes as well as to provide feedback, coaching and support to the DPOs.  

Case conference components include the following:

  • Assessments
  • Case plans
  • Enrollments
  • Contacts
  • Journal notes

Case conference areas of focus include the following:

  • Adherence to Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) principles
  • Use of appropriate sanctions and incentives
  • Use of evidence informed interventions
  • Use of appropriate level of services (i.e. dosage and duration)
  • Review and guidance with caseload management (time management, organization, etc…)
  • Adherence to contact standards
  • Adherence to Title IV-E, Targeted Case Management (TCM) and Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) requirements



  1. Frequency

SDPOs shall conduct individual caseload conferences with each caseload carrying staff under their supervision at least once a quarter. Nothing in this procedure prevents a SDPO from conducting additional caseload conferences as needed.

  1. Pre-Conference

The SDPO should complete the following in preparation of the case conference:

  1. Send the DPO an e-mail notice with the date, time and location of the caseload conference.  Notice should be sent at least 10 calendar days in advance of the meeting and include reminders for the following:
    1. The Client state in Monitor needs to be current
    2. The youth’s assessment(s) need to be current
    3. The youth’s case plan(s) need to be current, target 3-4 need areas if High Risk or 1-3 areas if Low or Moderate Risk as indicated in the youth’s assessment, and have objectives which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time limited
    4. Enrollments in Monitor need to be current and match service referrals addressed in the youth’s case plan objectives
    5. Journal notes should be current and address the youth’s actions supporting progress toward achieving their case plan objectives
      • Review attempted contacts in Monitor to confirm efforts were made to contact all youth
      • DPOs shall enter the reason(s) if a youth was not contacted during a month into Monitor Journal Notes
      • If a warrant request is pending within a calendar month, the DPO shall use “Warrant” as the no contact reason and shall insure a request for warrant has been submitted to the court
    6. Be prepared to discuss any override cases
    7. Be prepared to discuss the status of open Investigations in Monitor
  2. Run the “Juvenile Contacts Report” from the External tab in Monitor after selecting a DPO’s caseload and a specific youth assigned to that caseload.  Format the report as follows:
    1. Enter the Start and End date for time period to be reviewed
    2. Select the appropriate Team and Officer from dropdowns
    3. Select All from Level dropdown
    4. Click on View Report button
  3. Run the “All Enrollment Report” from the External tab in Monitor after selecting a DPO’s caseload and a specific youth assigned to their caseload. Format the report as follows:
    1. Select “Juvenile” from the Domain dropdown
    2. Select “Programs” from the Group Name dropdown
    3. Select “Pending” from the Results dropdown
    4. Select the DPO’s name from the Officer dropdown
    5. Select “JuvCasePlan” from the Enrollment Type dropdown
    6. Click on View Report button
  4. Check Enrollments opened in Monitor for over 6 months
  5. Check open Investigation events in Monitor
  1. Case Conference

The SDPO will review the following areas with the assigned DPO during the caseload conference:

  1. Juvenile Contacts Report results
  2. Encounter Report results
  3. Met caseload contact standard and percentage of contact location office, placement, or field
  4. Case plans current
  5. Are all assessments current (YLS-CMI, TCM, etc…)
  6. Enrollments current or why youth not enrolled in programing
  7. No contact reason if applicable

Additionally, SDPO will select a random sample of high and moderate risk cases from the DPO‘s caseload for an in-depth review of requirements and core correctional practices including:

  1. What is the highest risk sub-categories of YLS-CMI & did DPO review these with youth
  2. Do case plan objectives address high risk/need areas from YLS-CMI
  3. Are program enrollments reflected in case plan and do they address high risk/need areas from YLS-CMI
  4. Did DPO prioritize treatment in case plan with youth.  Stabilization needs prioritized ahead of CBT programing
  5. TCM identified needs included in case plan and TCM encounters properly documented in Journal notes
  6. Do Journal notes reflect review of case plan objectives with youth including adjustments in frequency and dosage of treatment as identified
  7. Do Journal notes reflect observation/feedback of youth stage of change.  Change in attitude toward treatment, offense, probation status, victim
  8. Do Journal notes reflect observation/feedback from treatment providers regarding youth progress
  9. Do Journal notes reflect DPO is appropriately utilizing rewards and sanctions in a timely manner
  10. Do Journal notes for youth under an out-of-home placement order reflect the youth’s Safety, Permanency, and Well-Being
  11. Do Journal notes include accurate documentation of Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings and at proper intervals for the case type
  12. Post-Conference

Following the conclusion of the caseload conference, the SDPO should evaluate the areas of need of the caseload and develop a plan with the assigned officer to improve deficient areas out of standard compliance or which deviate from core correctional practices. These areas may include time management, prioritization of duties, core correctional practices, utilization/scoring of the YLS-CMI, appropriate/timely sanctions and rewards, driver identification, etc.Resources should be identified and utilized as appropriate which may include: YLS-CMI instructor coaching/observation, DPO III CQI coaching/observation, more frequent review of caseload standards and expectations, Monitor data entry or further training as available.