Arroyo Grande Grace Lane Assessment District (Maintenance/Improvements)

Full Name

Arroyo Grande Grace Lane Assessment District (Maintenance/Improvements)

Tax Bill Abbreviation



Special Assessment

Contact Information

City of Arroyo Grande
(805) 473-5432


On November 28, 2006, at the request of Vista Roble LLC, the sole owner of the Grace Lane Subdivision (Tract 2236), the City Council approved the formation of the Grace Lane Assessment District. Maintenance and servicing of the improvements in the District include but are not limited to: 1) a pedestrian trail across the open space property (Lot B) including, but not limited to, the existing informal hiking trail currently passing through Lot B, signage, fencing; 2) common areas and facilities, including but not limited to the open space parcels and drainage facilities; 3) open space and maintenance in accordance with fuel modification specifications; and 4) a private drive and associated improvement for Lots 16 through 19.