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Empty Shelving Units

Technology Transformation Achieved by Assessor Tom Bordonaro

Author: Tom J. Bordonaro, Jr.
Date: 3/19/2019 9:32:42 AM

A major milestone in the technology transformation of the County Assessor’s Office has been achieved by San Luis Obispo County Assessor Tom Bordonaro and his staff.  Transforming paper files and maps to digital technology has now been accomplished in an effort that will greatly benefit the public and other county departments that rely on the Assessors’ records.

The technology modernization project known as ART (Assessor Record Transformation) has transformed information management and assures the long term preservation and safeguarding of millions of pages of documents that comprise the official property records of San Luis Obispo County.

Eliminating 43 tons or 86,000 pounds of paper, the project achieved the digitizing of more than 2.2 million pieces of paper (168,000) property files.  This results in greater accuracy and efficiency in the handling of critical assessment files and maps. 

With the final shipment of scanned parcel files, the technology transformation project achieved successful completion 3 months early and 20 percent under budget, saving taxpayers $65,000.          

In an effort to provide outstanding customer service at the least cost to taxpayers, Tom Bordonaro and the dedicated Assessor employees will continue to lead the effort to develop more efficient document pathways and workflows that are part of the technology transformation taking place in the Assessor’s Office.