Public Records Act (PRA) Request for Environmental Health Program Information

What is the process?

How to Submit a Public Records Act Request


Who can use this service?

Anyone can use this service.

Is there a charge for this service?

Fees may or may not be assessed and are determined based on the nature of the request. Please contact our office at (805) 781-5544 for more information.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays. 


Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

Environmental Health Services Supervisors

Environmental Health Services is open Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm. 

Cindy Rattigan (805) 781-5544 [email protected]

Jeremiah Damery (805) 781-5548  [email protected]

  • Beach Water Quality, Cross-Connection, Land Use, Small Public Water Systems, Water Well Programs and Vector Programs

Leslie Terry (805) 781-5553  [email protected]

  • Body Art, Food Safety, Public Swimming Pools and Spa Pools

Linnea Chandler (805) 781-4917  [email protected]

  • Hazardous Materials (CUPA) Programs