PRGWB - On-Site Agriculture Off-Set

What is the process?

Submit Application

County Review

County staff reviews application for completeness, may contact property owner for additional information.

On-Site Inspection

County staff schedules on-site inspection with property owners.

Conditional Approval

County staff sends property owner conditional approval to plant per the approved planting plan and a notice to file with County Clerk-Recorder before planting.

Water Meter Installation

Property owner installs a well meter per County standards.

Site Visit

Property owner contacts County staff to schedule a site visit to verify planting matches approved planting plan and well meter installation.

Final Approval

County staff issues “final” approval for On-site Ag Offset.

Annual Site Inspections

County staff conducts annual site inspections until the Agricultural Offset Ordinance terminates, currently scheduled for August 31, 2022.

Who is eligible?


  • Evidence of existing crop irrigated within the five years preceding the application date must be provided.
  • Crops irrigated within the last five years must have been in compliance with the Agricultural Offset Ordinance.
  • New crop production must be on the same site of the crop being replaced.
  • New crop production cannot exceed water demand of previous crop(s).
  • New crop production may exceed acreage of previous crop.
  • Existing and proposed commodities of crop production must be declared.
  • Recorded disclosure form required.
  • Site inspections required.

Is there a charge for this service?

On-site Offset Clearance​

  • A fee of $1,641 will be due at the time of application.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.