Veterans Burial Allowance & Transportation Benefits

Who is eligible?

If the burial benefit has not been automatically paid to the surviving spouse, VA will pay the first living person to file a claim of those listed below:

  1. Veteran’s surviving spouse; OR
  2. The survivor of a legal union* between the deceased Veteran and the survivor; OR
  3. The Veteran’s children, regardless of age; OR
  4. The Veteran’s parents or surviving parent; OR
  5. The executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased Veteran.

*Legal union means a formal relationship between the decedent and the survivor that existed on the date of the Veteran’s death, which was recognized under the law of the State in which the couple formalized the relationship and evidenced by the State’s issuance of documentation memorializing the relationship.

The Veteran must have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. In addition, at least one of the following conditions must be met:

  1. the Veteran died as a result of a service-connected disability, OR
  2. the Veteran was receiving VA pension or compensation at the time of death, OR
  3. the Veteran was entitled to receive VA pension or compensation, but decided instead to receive his or her full military retirement or disability pay, OR
  4. the Veteran died while hospitalized by VA, or while receiving care under VA contract at a non-VA facility, OR
  5. the Veteran died while traveling under proper authorization and at VA expense to or from a specified place for the purpose of examination, treatment or care, OR
  6. the Veteran had an original or reopened claim for VA compensation or pension pending at the time of death and would have been entitled to benefits from a date prior to the date of death, OR
  7. the Veteran died on or after October 9, 1996, while a patient at a VA–approved state nursing home.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

By appointment only

800 West Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Tel: (805) 781-5766

Fax: (805) 781-5769

By appointment only

240 Scott Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446

Tel: (805) 781-5766

Fax: (805) 781-5769

Monday - Friday 9-5

801 Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Tel: (805) 781-5766

Fax: (805) 781-5769


Please refer to the VA website with updated Burial Allowances HERE.

If you’re claiming a burial allowance for a non-service-connected death or unclaimed remains, you must file a claim within 2 years after the Veteran’s burial.  

Note: If you’re claiming an allowance for burial, plot, interment, or transportation costs for a non-service-connected death and the Veteran died while getting VA care, either at a VA health facility or a facility contracted by VA, there’s no time limit to file a claim.  

If a Veteran’s discharge was changed after death from dishonorable to another status, you must file an allowance claim within 2 years after the discharge update.  

If you’re claiming an allowance for burial, plot, interment, or transportation costs for a service-connected death, there’s no time limit. 

No, you don’t need to file a claim as a surviving spouse, as long as you’re listed as the Veteran’s spouse on the Veteran’s profile. When VA receives notice of the Veteran’s death, VA automatically pays a set amount to those eligible surviving spouses to help pay for the plot, the cost of interment, or transportation of the remains to the cemetery.

You may need to provide copies of these documents:

  • The Veteran’s death certificate including the cause of death  
  • An itemized receipt for transportation costs (only if you paid transportation costs for the Veteran’s remains) 

VA also recommends providing a copy of the Veteran’s DD214 or other separation documents including all of their service periods.  

If you don’t have their DD214 or other separation documents, you can request these documents now.  

Learn more about requesting military service records

And if you’re claiming a burial allowance for a service-connected death, you can submit additional supporting documents (like medical records). 

Medical records

If you’re claiming a burial allowance for a service-connected death, VA recommends submitting a copy of the Veteran’s medical records. How you submit their records depends on if you have access to them right now.

Note: It’s your choice whether you want to submit the Veteran’s medical records. They’ll help the VA process your claim and confirm information about the Veteran’s medical history at the time of their death. 

If you have access

If you have access to the Veteran’s medical records, you can submit copies of them with your application or send them to by mail after you submit your application. 

If you don’t have access

If you don’t have access to the Veteran’s medical records, you’ll need to authorize the release of their records to the VA. How you release their records depends on where the Veteran was receiving care at the time of their death.

Provide details about the records or information you want to request. This will help the VA request this information.

If the Veteran was receiving care at a VA or federal health facility at the time of their death, you can submit a statement in support of your claim (VA Form 21-4138). 

Get VA Form 21-4138 to download

If the Veteran was receiving care at a non-VA private health facility at the time of their death, the VA will try to locate their medical records for you.

You can authorize the release of their medical records online after you submit this application. 

Authorize the release of non-VA medical records

Or you can fill out both of these forms and submit them with your application or send them to the VA by mail after you submit your application:

Unclaimed Remains

If a Veteran’s remains aren’t claimed, VA will pay the person or organization responsible for the Veteran’s burial a burial allowance based on the rates in the table listed on the VA website. If the deceased qualifies, we may pay you back for the costs of moving the Veteran’s remains to a VA national cemetery.

If you’re eligible, you may receive these benefits:

  • VA burial allowance for burial and funeral costs
  • VA plot or interment allowance for the cost of the plot (gravesite) or interment
  • VA transportation reimbursement for the cost of transporting the Veteran’s remains to the final resting place

VA provides burial benefits for all legal burial types, including cremation and burial at sea. VA also provides burial benefits for donating the Veteran’s remains to a medical school.