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Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Planning for Diablo Canyon’s Closure

Author: Administrative Office
Date: 8/23/2017 4:37 PM

The County is preparing for the closure of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in a variety of ways, including working with the Economic Vitality Corporation to mitigate any economic impacts.

The County Administrative Office is working with the Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) to look at options that would reduce the economic impacts our community will face due to the closure of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.  

The County is one of several stakeholders on an EVC committee, which includes leaders from local cities, K-12 and higher education sectors, business, and chambers of commerce. Together, the stakeholder group will guide a two-phase project that will develop an economic strategy intended to help reduce the impact of the closure throughout our region. The committee will use a consultant to perform a detailed analysis and aid in the development of long-term implementation strategies.

“We have finished interviewing the consultants and are in the process of selecting one to help us develop both community-specific and regional economic strategies,” said Trevor Keith, a division manager for the County Administrative Office.

The strategy project has two phases: (1) analysis and (2) planning. The project is already in the first phase. In the spring of 2017, the EVC released a request for qualifications from expert consulting firms and received 20 proposals. The project committee interviewed five of the firms and is expected to announce the selected firm this fall. The chosen consulting firm will develop economic and fiscal impact analyses this winter.

In the second phase of the project, the consulting firm will work with the EVC committee to develop both the community-specific strategies as well as a regional economic strategy and implementation plan.

“We are confident that with proper planning and coordination, our community will continue to thrive after Diablo Canyon is closed,” said Assistant County Administrative Office Guy Savage. “We’re doing everything we can to ensure that we are well prepared for the impacts to our local community.”


Update (August 30, 2017):

Congressman Rep. Salud Carbajal hosted a townhall discussion with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regarding the decommissioning of the Diablo Canyon reactors. The public meeting was held at the County Board Chambers on Aug. 29, 2017. View his joint presentation with the NRC. View PG&E's presentation