Headshot of Tami Douglas-Schatz
Tami Douglas-Schatz - County Human Resources Director of over 15 years

Human Resources Director Leaving County of San Luis Obispo

Author: Jeanette Trompeter
Date: 4/10/2024 11:03 AM

Tami Douglas-Schatz leaving County to return to Riverside County. Deputy Director, Jamie Russell, to take reins.

The Board of Supervisors has accepted the resignation of Human Resources (HR) Director Tami Douglas-Schatz and appointed her successor. Supervisors also today honored Douglas-Schatz for her 15 years of service to the County with a resolution and heartfelt presentation. Her last day is April 19, 2024. She is heading back to Riverside County to serve as HR Director where she once served as the deputy director.


“Throughout her service to the County, Ms. Douglas-Schatz has demonstrated steadfast leadership, guiding the County through change and challenges with grace and expertise. I have enjoyed working with her over the years and I will miss her,” said Board Chair Debbie Arnold.


Ms. Douglas-Schatz served as the Deputy Human Resources Director in Riverside County prior to taking the director’s role in San Luis Obispo County in 2009. Riverside County has about seven times the number of employees as San Luis Obispo County. She will be overseeing human resources there for about 22,000 employees.


“I’ve had the honor of working with Tami during her entire time here and her top priority has always been the interests of our employees and our organization. Our county has been exceptionally lucky to have her years of service,” said Supervisor Bruce Gibson.


“It’s a bittersweet time for me. I love the County of San Luis Obispo, the opportunities I have enjoyed here, the growth I have experienced, and the incredible team with which I’ve had the privilege of working,” said Ms. Douglas-Schatz. I’m looking forward to new challenges ahead and returning to Riverside County does feel a bit like a homecoming. This change is made easier knowing that Jamie is taking the reins, and the talented HR team remains intact. I will always be cheering for San Luis Obispo County.”


Supervisors today also appointed Jamie Russell as the new HR director effective April 22, 2024. Ms. Russell has worked closely with Ms. Douglas-Schatz since joining the County of San Luis Obispo in 2013, serving as the HR Deputy Director the last five years. “


“I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with Tami for the past 11 years. She has been an incredible leader, visionary, mentor, and boss. Riverside County is so lucky to have her join their team. I am honored and excited to continue to serve the County of San Luis Obispo and its employees in this new role,” said Ms. Russell.


“Ms. Russell’s leadership experience, knowledge of the role, and strong relationships with County leaders and stakeholders will allow for a seamless transition and continued excellence in the Human Resources Department,’ said Acting County Administrative Officer Rebecca Cambell.