November 8, 2022, General Election

Election Date Election Type
11/8/2022 General


Recount Request

Election Results

Election Information

Voter Information 

Statements to cure voter signatures must be received in the County Elections Office by 5:00pm on Monday, December 5, 2022.  Voters can return their letters by:

Candidate Information

Randomized Alphabet and Candidate Rotation Information

Ballot Measure Information

Activity Schedule for Placing a Measure on the Ballot







You may use our Voter Status Lookup to see if you are registered to vote in the County of San Luis Obispo.

Please call the Elections Office at (805) 781-5228 to receive an explanation of your options.

You must complete a new voter registration to change your name.

Please see our voter registration service page for more information.

The last day to register to vote in the November 8, 2022 election is October 24, 2022.For a registration to be valid for this election, the registration form must be received in our office by October 24, 2022, either online or in person, or if mailed, it must be postmarked no later than that date. Register as soon as possible to ensure you receive election information on time.

Please give us a call at (805) 781-5228 for assistance. Thank you!