Press Release 12/07/2023
Marguerite Harris

San Luis Obispo Deputy Chief Probation Officer Receives Statewide Recognition

Author: Laura Dixon
Date: 12/7/2023 11:43 AM

Deputy Chief Probation Officer with San Luis Obispo County Probation and an active member of the California Association of Probation Institution Administrators (CAPIA), Marguerite Harris, was recognized at the 2023 Annual Chief Probation Officers of California Awards Ceremony with the Affiliate Employee of the Year Award for San Luis Obispo County.

The award is given to an employee or manager selected by each affiliate organization to represent the best employee, manager, and achievement from their field of service.

"Marguerite plays a vital role in facilitating CAPIA regional meetings and actively participating in executive board meetings, infusing each occasion with her dynamic energy and passion," remarked San Luis Obispo Chief Probation Officer Robert Reyes. "Her exceptional work ethic and genuine concern for crafting impactful initiatives extend beyond her local community, benefiting the entire state. Her work and dedication helps make California’s juvenile institutions a place where probation can effectively help youth and young adults with their rehabilitation process and get onto safer and healthier life pathways."

Marguerite is a long-standing and active member of CAPIA. She holds the position of Central Region Chair and will assume the Legislation position in 2024. Marguerite is also a member of the Executive Steering Committee for the Board of State and Community Corrections Juvenile Titles 15 and 24 Regulation Revisions. She represents probation institutions, providing valuable insights into current practices and responding to how specific recommendations may impact on-the-ground operations.

"We appreciate Marguerite’s dedication to the youth and young adults in our juvenile justice system whom probation serves and making sure California’s juvenile institutions reflect the incredible and life-changing rehabilitative work our probation professionals do everyday." stated Karen Pank, Executive Director of CPOC.

The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) is an association of all 58 counties with a shared identity as law enforcement leaders. CPOC is committed to a research-based approach to public safety that promotes positive behavior change. Their leadership guides policy and practice in prevention, community-based corrections, secure detention for youth, and direct human services. CPOC aims to prevent crime and delinquency, reduce recidivism, restore victims, and promote healthy families and communities.

For more information about CPOC, please go to

Media Contact: Laura Dixon [email protected] 510-384-3020