District 4 Supervisor Jimmy Paulding
Welcome to the Fourth District of San Luis Obispo County
Greetings from Supervisor Jimmy Paulding, District 4: Nipomo, Arroyo Grande, Oceano, Halcyon, Huasna, Edna Valley, California Valley, and unincorporated portions of San Luis Obispo.
As of January 3, 2023, I had the tremendous pleasure of being sworn-in as our new District 4 County Supervisor. It is an honor and a privilege to serve our community in this new capacity. I look forward to working together to strengthen our community and improve our quality of life. Some of my top priorities as supervisor are to:
- Generate new sources of water to preserve our quality of life.
- Expand supportive housing, mental health services, and drug and alcohol treatment to keep homeless people safely off our streets.
- Make our streets safer by fully funding law enforcement budgets, adding a sheriff’s substation in Nipomo and increasing patrols.
- Help businesses and farms thrive so SLO County residents have good-paying jobs, and our economy remains strong.
- Build more affordable and workforce housing to support our local economy.
- Advocate for the needs of our growing senior population.
My Background
Having grown up in Arroyo Grande, I have deep roots in the community where my father was a San Luis Obispo Police Officer and my mother a teacher at Coastal Christian School in Arroyo Grande. With a Cal Poly degree in city and regional planning, my early career centered on planning, designing, and building roads, wastewater plants and criminal justice facilities. Later pursuing a law degree from the Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law and becoming a California-licensed attorney, my most recent career has been focused on running a small law practice that prides itself on helping ambitious people start businesses, guiding hard-working families on business succession strategy, and preparing family estate plans.
I have also had the pleasure of serving on the Arroyo Grande City Council from 2018 to 2022, where I established a track record of finding creative solutions to difficult problems. In addition to serving on the council, I have served on regional boards, including the Air Pollution Control District, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments and the Regional Transit Authority.
I am committed to being a supervisor who will help families and businesses thrive, someone who is dedicated to preserving what we love about our community – my hometown!
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact my Chief of Staff, James Sofranko, at [email protected], or call our office at (805) 781-4337.
Jimmy Paulding
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