Bureau of Investigation

Chief Investigator
Terry O'Farrell

Assistant Chief Investigators
Brett Hartley

James Camp

The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation is staffed by over 15 sworn peace officers.  A District Attorney Investigator hired by the San Luis Obispo District Attorney’s Office has an average of 15 years law enforcement experience.  Typically, our Investigators have served with a police or sheriff’s department a minimum of five years as a detective before transitioning to a position as a District Attorney Investigator.

The primary function of the Bureau of Investigations is to provide quality and timely investigative support for the prosecutorial functions of the Office of the District Attorney.  Investigators collaborate with Deputy District Attorneys in the vigorous enforcement of criminal and civil laws.

The Bureau of Investigation manages the one-of-a-kind Central Coast Cyber Forensic Laboratory that provides computer and internet evidence collection and analysis capability to local law enforcement agencies.

Assisting other law enforcement agencies, when requested, is also an important function of the Bureau of Investigation when additional manpower or expertise is needed.

Specialty units within the Bureau of Investigation work directly with Deputy District Attorneys in the office’s specialized programs to investigate:



Domestic Violence

Sexual Assault

Elder Abuse

Major Financial Crimes

Parental Abductions

Human Trafficking

The District Attorney’s Office’s Bureau of Investigations is committed to serve and protect the greater public interest through the fair and impartial administration of justice.