School Wellness

Healthy kids learn better - how can you support student & school health today?

A Local School Wellness Program is an important tool in promoting student wellness, preventing and reducing childhood obesity and providing assurance that school meal nutrition guidelines meet the minimum federal school meal standards. A unified group of stakeholders such as parents, health agencies, community partners, local educational agencies and school districts can have synergistic effects on the health behaviors and academic success of young people.


Why is School Wellness Important?

Healthy students are better learners, and education leads to longer, healthier lives. Because kids spend more than half of their day at school, the school environment is critical to promoting healthy eating and physical activity. Both of these factors impact attention in the classroom, test scores, attendance rates, and long term wellbeing.

How can I help promote healthy eating at my school?

The local school wellness policy or local school wellness council is a great place to start. One example of an easy, but effective, policy change is to implement “healthy celebrations” - where birthdays, holidays and other events are celebrated with non-food items, such as extra play-time.

See below for additional resources to help update your local school wellness policy:



Frequently Asked Questions

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