All Public Health Services

Shots for School

Parents must show proof of their child's immunizations prior to school admission. The Public Health Department offers a variety of vaccines, including those required by California schools.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

Every Woman Counts is a statewide program that arranges, directs, and pays for screenings for uninsured and underinsured women in an effort to reduce breast and cervical cancer mortality rates in California. This includes free clinical breast exams, mammograms, pelvic exams, and pap tests.

Communications to Providers

The Public Health Department communicates with local health care providers in several ways:

Provider Notices are issued as needed to communicate important news;  the Public Health Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter with topical information for both providers and consumers, including quarterly statistics of reported cases of select communicable diseases; and the Laboratory Messenger is a monthly newsletter providing containing current news of interest for clinicians and laboratorians. 

Disease Reporting for Healthcare Providers and Laboratories

The Public Health Department responds to reports of communicable diseases in San Luis Obispo County. Physicians and health care providers are legally required to report suspected, lab-confirmed, and clinical diagnoses of specific diseases and conditions within specified time frames to the client’s county of residence.

Get My Vaccine Record

You can get a Digital Vaccine Record online at the California Department of Public Health website.

Here's how:

  1. Fill out a short online form at
    • You will be asked to enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and the cell phone or email address associated with your vaccine record.
    • Then you'll create a 4-digit pin number.
  2. You will be sent a link (via text or email) to retrieve your digital vaccine card and will be asked for the pin number you created.
  3. You can save your digital vaccine record by taking a screenshot and saving it to your photos, files, camera roll, etc. (You can also re-submit your request to access your Digital Vaccine Record at a later time.)

Epidemiology Data & Reports

The Public Health Department investigates individual cases and outbreaks of reported infectious disease. The team monitors disease trends, conducts data analysis and provides current statistics and other information to health care providers, hospitals, the public and news media. Case counts may change as case investigations are completed.

HIV/AIDS Testing

The Public Health Department works to minimize the number of new HIV infections and maximize the number of people living with HIV who have access to appropriate care, treatment, support, and prevention services. 

We provide confidential and anonymous testing, prevention methods (including PrEP and PEP), partner notification services, and referrals as needed.

PrEP Assistance Program

You can get PrEP at Public Health to help protect yourself from HIV.  PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication you can take regularly to reduce your chances of getting HIV. We can help you sign up for the California PrEP Assistance Program (CA PrEP-AP), which helps pay for the medicine and its related costs. 

Request Medical Records from the Public Health Department

If you have received care from Public Health Department Clinics in Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo, or Paso Robles, you may request records of those services by following the steps below. Medical records are kept for different lengths of time depending on the type of record and age of the patient. 

Mpox (Monkeypox) in SLO County

MPOX virus under microscope

Mpox (Monkeypox)

Mpox (previously called monkeypox) is a disease caused by a relative of the smallpox virus.  It spreads primarily through close, intimate, often skin-to-skin contact, including sexual contact, with people who have Mpox symptoms such as rash and sores.

The Public Health Department is closely following this issue, in coordination with the California Department of Public Health and CDC, and will provide updates as the situation evolves.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

The Public Health Department provides friendly, confidential, free or low-cost reproductive and sexual health services and birth control for women, men and teens. This program seeks to reduce unintended pregnancy by providing access to the information, clinical preventive services and resources necessary to ensure that all pregnancies are healthy, well-timed and intended. The Department works to prevent the spread of STDs by providing STD testing, treatment and education. This includes:

... and more. 

State Disability Insurance (SDI) & Unemployment Benefits

If you are unable to work becuase you have been diagnosed with a communicable disease and have been directed to isolate for at least 8 days, you make be eligible for State Disability Insurance. You may file for disability insurance online or with a paper form. You will need a licensed health professional to complete a portion of the claim. 

STD Testing and Treatment

Public Health provides friendly, low-cost, and confidential (private) STD testing, treatment, and education. You can get an STD test, get treatment if needed, and learn how to protect yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted infections (STIs)—sometimes referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)—such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and others. 

Suspected Abuse Response Team (SART)

The Suspected Abuse Response Team (SART) helps people who experience sexual assault, child abuse, or neglect by providing immediate and compassionate medical exams. Forensic medical exams are available with or without law enforcement involved.

Travel Shots

The Public Health Department offers a variety of vaccines for your foreign travel. Make an appointment, ideally 4-6 weeks before your trip, to get vaccines or medicines you may need.

Tuberculosis (TB) Testing

The Public Health Department provides tuberculosis clearance testingalso known as a TB testfor work, school or volunteer activities. We also provide consultations to medical providers about the diagnosis and treatment of both TB infection and TB disease. 

To learn about TB treatment, visit our TB treatment page.

Get Treated

Latent Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment

The Public Health Department offers treatment for latent TB, sometimes called inactive TB or LTBI. This type of TB is not contagious but can lead to serious illness. Most people with latent TB don't know they have it. It is a dormant, or "asleep," version of the disease that does not make you sick right away. Untreated latent TB germs can "wake up" and cause active infection. Treating latent TB takes time, but we will be there to support you along the way!

If you are a healthcare provider, you can find treatment guidance from the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association and contact us for consultation if needed. 

Not sure where to start? Our friendly team can help. Call 805-781-5500.

Vaccines & Immunizations

The Public Health Department offers a wide range of vaccinations, including shots for school or for foreign travel. Vaccinations are available by appointment at three clinic locations.

For information about the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit our COVID-19 vaccines page or call our office at (805) 781-5500.

Valley Fever

Valley Fever, otherwise known as Coccidioidomycosis or Cocci, is a disease caused by inhaling the spores of a fungus that grows in soil and dirt, called Coccidioides. The fungus becomes airborne when dirt is moved via digging, wind, or other activities that create dust. Once in the air, it can be inhaled by people or animals. This fungus is highly endemic (i.e., regularly occurring) to Arizona and primarily found in the central valley and central coast regions of California, including San Luis Obispo County. 

Zika Information

The Public Health Department continues to closely monitor the evolving Zika virus situation and recommends residents be aware of risks associated with travel to areas with Zika virus transmission and what precautions they should take.

Health care providers may find information about Zika virus testing services available at our County Public Health Laboratory in this Specimen Collection and Transport fact sheet or by calling (805) 781-5507.

CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rule requires healthcare providers to participate in emergency preparedness activities. The rule applies to 17 different provider and supplier types, including outpatient surgery, home health agencies, physical therapy offices, and others. The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program coordinates information to healthcare providers.

Disaster Healthcare Coalition

The San Luis Obispo County Disaster Healthcare Coalition (SLO-DHCC - formerly the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee-PHEPAC) is a group of healthcare partners that collaboratively work together during emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Organizations benefit from information and resource sharing as well as local training and exercises for staff education. The DHCC is managed by the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program.

DHCC Governance-Structure

Emergency Planning-Access and Functional Needs

All individuals, with or without disabilities, can decrease the impact of a disaster by taking steps to prepare before an event occurs. The resources below will help individuals with access and functional needs prepare for disasters. The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program manages information shown below.

EMSA Committees

Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC)

The EMCC is dedicated to assuring optimal prehospital care and improving the quality of the emergency medical care delivery system in the County of San Luis Obispo on matters relating to local emergency medical services. The EMCC meets the third Thursday of every other month and is open to the public.


Healthcare Coalition Exercises

Every year, the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department coordinates and conducts exercises to test the medical and health system’s ability to respond to disasters.

Medical and Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC)

The Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC) Program is authorized by the California Health and Safety Code Section 1797.153.  The MHOAC position represents the single point of contact for the MHOAC program and is responsible for monitoring and ensuring adequate medical and health resources are in place during a local emergency.  The MHOAC is authorized to make and respond to requests for mutual aid from out of San Luis Obispo County.

During non-emergency operations and the initial phases of an emergency, the MHOAC Program operates in a duty officer mode and is on-call 24/7. Once the County Health Agency Department Operations Center (CHADOC) is activated, the MHOAC Program functions are distributed to various CHADOC positions. The MHOAC may also be at the County EOC as the Medical Health Branch Director.

If you are a first responder or medical/health organization representative and need to talk to a public health representative regarding an emergency situation, such as multi-casualty incidents (MCIs), MHOAC requests, threats to the medical and public health system or medical and mutual aid requests, call 1-805-380-3411.

This is a 24/7 phone number for the EMS Duty Officer which functions as the MHOAC Program until the County Health Agency Department Operations Center (CHADOC) is activated.

For all other public health emergency calls, such as communicable disease, call 1-805-781-5500 during regular business hours.

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

The San Luis Obispo County Medical Reserve Corps (SLOMRC) is a group of trained volunteers who assist public health efforts during times of special need or disaster, such as during a major communicable disease outbreak, earthquake, flood, tsunami, or act of terrorism. The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program administers the SLO MRC.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Currently, we are only onboarding volunteers with an active California Medical license. Email [email protected] to sign up.

If you are a non-medical volunteer or do not have a current California Medical license, you can email [email protected] to be notified when we begin onboarding non-medical volunteers. There is no current timeline for when this will occur.

Thank you for your interest in the San Luis Obispo County MRC!

Potassium Iodide (KI) Pre-Distribution

This service provides information on how to obtain a personal supply of Potassium Iodide (KI). The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program manages the pre-distribution of Potassium Iodide (KI).

Potassium Iodide should only be taken when directed by the Health Officer.

Potassium iodide protects the thyroid gland against exposure to radioactive iodine in the unlikely event of a radiological release from a nuclear power plant emergency at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Our supply is NOT intended to be given out for any radiological emergency around the world.

Potassium iodide is not an "anti-radiation" pill. It is a supplemental protective measure, secondary to evacuation or sheltering in place. Evacuation and sheltering in place remain the primary protective actions during a radiological emergency. If taken in an appropriate and timely dosage, potassium iodide can block exposure of the thyroid gland to radioactive iodine. However, potassium iodide does not protect other parts of the body from exposure to other contaminants released during the emergency.

Potassium Iodide should only be taken when directed by the Health Officer.


Report a Public Health Emergency

This service provides contact information to reach Public Health in an Emergency. This information is updated and maintained by the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program.

San Luis Obispo EMS APP

Downloadable mobile device app, for on the go access to local EMS information: Policies, protocols, forms and more.

Google Play Store: 

Apple App Store: 

SLO EMS Mobile Field Manual APP

Downloadable mobile device app, for on the go access to local EMS information: Policies, protocols, forms and more.

Google Play Store: 

Apple App Store: 



Health Care Access / Health Care Navigation

Health Care Navigation is a service that helps SLO County residents get access to the health care they need. This is a personal service that is different for every individual. It may mean connecting you with insurance, helping find a doctor who accepts your insurance, answering questions about a medical bill, or helping you navigate the health care system in other ways. 

If you do not currently have health insurance: Health Care Access and Navigation staff can help you find insurance so you can get the care you need. Our nurse navigator and eligibility worker gather information to determine if you may be eligible for Medi-Cal, the Medically Indigent Services Program (MISP) or Covered California. They can also help you apply for these programs. 

If you do have health insurance: Our knowledgeable staff also answer questions and help find solutions for people who have insurance but are not sure how or where to access care or how to find affordable health care solutions to their problems. 

If you have not been successful meeting your medical needs and aren’t sure what to do next, contact the Health Care Access and Navigation staff for a free, confidential evaluation of your needs at 805-781-4838 or by email.

Language Support Services

Public Health is committed to providing services in the language you speak. We provide qualified interpreters upon request to ensure effective communication and accessibility. 

Medically Indigent Services Program (MISP)

Medically Indigent Services Program (MISP) assists qualified low-income residents who have an immediate medical need but have no source of health coverage available and no other way to pay for necessary medical care.

You may qualify for MISP if:

  • You are 19–64 years old
  • You have income over 138% and up to 250% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
  • You have limited assets (cash and property)
  • You have a current medical need that MISP covers   
  • You have no other source of health coverage available
  • You are not eligible for Medi-Cal or any other public health coverage
  • You are a resident of SLO County and a legal resident of the U.S.
  • You have a qualified hardship (see list below) exemption from the tax penalty for not having minimum essential health coverage. A qualified hardship, or exemption, is the reason or cause that prevented you from obtaining health insurance. Click here for more information about the federal law, tax penalty, and the exemption.

Oral Health

The Public Health Department works with numerous community partners on policy development, oral health education, increasing access to dental care, and ensuring every child has a primary or 'home base' dentist. Since preventing cavities in early childhood reduces the risk of dental disease for a lifetime, the program also provides limited preventive services for children enrolled in the WIC program and home-based Head Start programs. The Oral Health Coalition meets regularly at the Public Health Department. Coalition members help set direction and establish a strategic plan every three years.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety

The Injury Prevention team works to make walking and biking safer and to promote active, healthy living. We talk about safe driving and share skills and knowledge about how to navigate our community more safely, both on foot and on wheels. We proudly partner with community groups and participate in local initiatives: Safe Routes to School, the Healthy Communities Work Group and the SLOCOG Safety Action Plan.

Car Seat Inspections

Did you know only about 20% of American parents install and use their car seat correctly? That’s why our certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians are here to help. They provide free car seat education and inspections to individuals and groups to make sure children are the safest they can be.

Healthy Aging

Our Healthy Aging Services empower older adults and their families and caregivers with tools and knowledge to support their health, independence, and overall wellbeing. Whether you're seeking ways to stay active, maintain mental sharpness, or stay informed on the latest healthy aging information and resources, we're here to assist you on your journey. We provide education in English and Spanish. See our Healthy Aging Services Community Schedule.

Injury Prevention

Injuries are the leading cause of early death in San Luis Obispo County.  The Public Health Department works to help prevent these injuries by providing education and resources for parents, community groups and partners.

Nutrition Education - CalFresh Healthy Living


CalFresh Healthy Living supports healthy, active and nourished lifestyles by teaching about good nutrition and how to stretch food dollars, while also building partnerships in the community to make the healthy choice the easy choice.

Quit Tobacco

Quitting tobacco improves your health and reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and many other illnesses. Whether you smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, use chewing tobacco, or e-cigarettes (vaping), free supportive services can help you quit.

If you have tried to quit before and have not been successful, don't give up! Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease, most smokers make multiple quit attempts before succeeding, and many smokers require repeat intervention. 

Click here to go back to the Tobacco Control Program page.

Tobacco Control Program

The Tobacco Control Program provides community education, prevention services, and technical assistance to government agencies, community-based organizations, law enforcement, businesses, and residents of San Luis Obispo County. Our goal is to work and keep tobacco out of the hands of youth, help tobacco users quit, and ensure that all community members can live, work, play, and learn in smoke-free environments.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

En Español

Welcome to the County of San Luis Obispo WIC Program




Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program helps families by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods, and referrals to health care and other community services. 

Call (805) 781-5570 or text (888) 417-6180 and someone will be with you shortly!

* The County of SLO WIC offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents' Day and resume services on Tuesday, February 18, 2025

California Children's Services

California Children's Services (CCS) is a statewide program that arranges, directs, and pays for medical care, equipment, and rehabilitation for children and young adults less than 21 years of age who have eligible medical conditions and whose families are unable to pay for all or part of their care. The Public Health Department connects eligible children with doctors, therapists and other trained specialists who know how to care for their special health needs.

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program provides services to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of lead poisoning among the County of San Luis Obispo children under the age of six, as well as other high-risk children. This includes increasing awareness regarding the hazards of lead exposure, reducing lead exposure, and increasing the number of children assessed and appropriately blood tested for lead poisoning. 


Recognition from Board of Supervisors for Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2023:

Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care

The Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care (HCPCFC) is a state-administered, locally operated program. Public health nurses provide expertise in meeting the medical, dental, mental and developmental needs of children and youth in foster care. In collaboration and consultation with social workers and probation officers, public health nurses provide medical and health care case planning; support in obtaining timely health and dental assessments; expedited referrals for medical, dental, mental health and developmental services; education and more. Public health nurses also participate in creating and updating the Health and Education Passport for every child, and provide psychotropic medication monitoring and oversight. See FAQs and the program brochure (also in Spanish) for more detail. 

Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health

Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) promotes the health and well-being of women of childbearing age, infants, children and adolescents who are at increased risk of adverse health outcomes.  By virtue of financial, language or cultural barriers, or mental or physical disabilities by assuring access to health promotion and health care services. These activities include community assessment, planning, evaluation, outreach, advocacy, education, training, and policy development.

NavigateSLO Resource Guide

NavigateSLO (NavSLO) is designed to connect parents, children, teens, providers, and everyone in between with local services. Each section contains links and ways to contact local service providers and resources. Some links are to other community resource guides managed by other organizations. These tips for using the NavigateSLO Resource Guide will help you get started with the guide. 

The Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Program maintains NavSLO. 

Medical Therapy Program

The Medical Therapy Program (MTP) is a special program within California Children's Services that provides physical, occupational, and medical therapy services for children who are disabled due to neurological or musculoskeletal disorders. A team of licensed therapists provides eligible children with physical therapy, occupational therapy and specialized equipment, such as orthotics/braces, wheelchairs and other assistive devices.

This video shares recognition to CCS MTU from SLO Moment at the Board of Supervisors:


This video shares one participant's story: 

Nurse Home Visiting

This service pairs pregnant women and parents of young children with specially trained nurses and family advocates that promote the health and well-being of families in need of support and guidance. The program promotes improved pregnancy outcomes, nurturing parenting skills, positive child health and development, and family self-sufficiency. Services are voluntary and provided in the comfort of the client’s home or location of their choosing.

Perinatal Substance Use Prevention

This Perinatal Substance Use Prevention Program offers education, training, and technical assistance for prenatal care providers in identifying women at risk for substance use, depression, and domestic violence. For those identified as high-risk, we provide comprehensive assessments, education and links to community resources.

Community Health Assessment

A Community Health Assessment informs a broad audience — community health centers, government agencies, philanthropy, community-based organizations, civic leaders and the general public — about the top health issues facing our community. It helps us determine how to most effectively direct limited resources and where to find assets we can leverage to make positive change.

Community Health Improvement

San Luis Obispo County is home to a vast and diverse range of dedicated individuals and organizations working to create a healthy and vibrant future for our community. The Community Health Improvement Plan describes how those diverse individuals and organizations will work together to improve our community’s health over the course of 5 years. It sets forth what we will strive to achieve and provides a road map for how we plan to achieve it. It identifies priority health issues, establishes measurable objectives for improvement and coordinates resources to achieve those objectives.

To see the full plan, including specific goals and activities, visit

SLO Health Counts

Looking for data on health in San Luis Obispo County? The new SLO Health Counts data hub provides just that—in an easy-to-understand format that residents, community leaders, hospital staff, researchers, service providers and many others can use to inform discussion and action.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

How did we do?  Your input helps us improve the services we provide. Take the survey below and let us know what we do well and how we can do better.

Encuesta de Satisfacción del Cliente

¿Cómo lo hicimos? Tome nuestra encuesta de 5 minutos y háganos saber.

Health Commission

On March 7, 2023, the County Board of Supervisors voted to sunset the Health Commission.

Healthy Community Design

The Public Health Department works to improve the health and wellness of current and future San Luis Obispo County residents through collaboration, education and policy guidance as it relates to health and the built environment.

Tests and Fees

Laboratory Testing Services and Fees (Note: Updated fees for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025).  Please call the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory (805) 781-5507 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (closed weekends and holidays), with any questions about testing services.

Refer to the test catalog for a for a compilation of test information and specimen collection instructions, and for an explanation of fees and insurance carriers for fee-related details.

Unless otherwise noted, specimens may only be collected by authorized medical professionals at any clinical practice or clinical location in the County. Specimens must be transported by courier or other means to the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory at 2191 Johnson Avenue, San Luis Obispo, for testing.

Click on the category of test or services below.

Biothreat Testing


Laboratory Biothreat Testing

The County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory (SLOPHL) serves as the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) reference laboratory for the identification of biologic agents of terrorism for San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties. We have been serving in this capacity since early 2009 as one of 14 local public health laboratories providing LRN services to multi-county jurisdictions in California. Our role is to accurately determine the presence or absence of suspected bioterrorism agents and assist clinical and other diagnostic laboratories (called sentinel laboratories) in ruling out these agents by basic microbiologic techniques or by rapidly referring specimens and culture isolates for testing. We also facilitate training and communication to ensure timely responses and identification of possible agents.

For further information about the laboratory’s biothreat program click on the links below:

Courier Services

Perry's Parcel is the courier service for the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory.
  • Locations on the regular route schedule should expect a pick-up at routine time.
  • If you are an on-call customer or need an additional pick-up:
    • Before 11 am, call Pery's Parcel Dispatch at (805) 434-1027 for a pick-up.
    • After 11 am, call the laboratory at (805) 781- 5508 for a pick-up.
      • Note: Calls received after 2:30 pm may require a next day pick-up.​​​​​​​
  • If you are not an on-call customer, are unable to reach Perry's Parcel, or a normal pick-up was missed:
    • Please call the laboratory at (805) 781-5508 and we will make the arrangements.
  • If the frequency of your test results requires courier services, contact the Laboratory Director by phone ([805] 781-5512) or email ([email protected]) to discuss pick-up scheduling.

Hot Topics

This service provides specimen collection information for specific cases.

Laboratory Messenger

The Laboratory Messenger is a periodic newsletter published by the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory containing current news of interest for clinicians and laboratorians.  

Laboratory Services Overview

The Public Health Laboratory provides clinical and environmental testing to support programs of the Health Agency as well as hospitals, clinics, physicians, private businesses, citizens, and local, state, and federal authorities.

For additional information, please call the Public Health Laboratory (805) 781-5507 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (closed weekends and holidays).

Non-Diagnostic General Health Assessment Certification

Qualified firms employing licensed medical staff may apply for a certificate on an annual basis to host public non-diagnostic general health assessment testing.

Phone Numbers

This service provides contact phone numbers for the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory.

Please note: the lab is unable to give results directly to patients. If you are a patient, please contact your healthcare provider to get your results. 


The following requisitions are to be used when submitting specimens for testing at the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory. Electronic submissions through the web portal or an electronic health record interface are encouraged, particularly for routine or high-volume submissions.
  1. Clinical/human specimens: Requisition 100
  2. Water or shellfish samples: Requisition 200
  3. Tick identification: Requisition 300
  4. Tick Lyme Disease Testing: Requisition 301
  5. Chain of custody: Requisition 400
  6. Rabies DFA testing: Requisition 500

Web Portal

Laboratory testing results that have been submitted to the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory, can be viewed online at any time.

About Us

The Public Health Department promotes, preserves and protects the health of all San Luis Obispo County residents through disease surveillance, health education, direct services, and health policy development.

Campus Map

Having a hard time finding where you need to go at the Health Agency campus?  Check the map below for a list of popular spots or call (805) 781-5500 for help.  For a print-quality version, click here (1.9 MB).

Birth and Death Certificates

Public Health is able to provide certified copies of certificates for births and deaths occurring within the last two years within San Luis Obispo County. Births and deaths that occurred prior to that may be obtained from the Clerk-Recorder's Office.

Medical Marijuana ID Card (MMIC)

Qualified patients and their primary caregivers may apply for and be issued a medical marijuana ID card (MMIC) for State authorization to possess, grow, and/or transport medical marijuana in California. A MMIC identifies the cardholder as authorized to legally possess certain amounts of medical marijuana in California and under specific conditions. For more information on the state’s program, visit their website.

Fizz The Fuzz: An adventure through the seasons to improve indoor air quality (IAQ)

About Fizz the Fuzz

Air cleanliness in indoor settings is formally known as indoor air quality (IAQ). The County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department developed a bilingual children’s story for providers and teachers in early learning spaces to learn how to improve IAQ in classrooms. The book was developed with financial support from a California Department of Public Health Indoor Air Quality Community Education Award, as part of California's SMARTER plan.

Fizz La Pelusa: Una aventura a través de las temporadas para mejorar la calidad del aire interior

Acerca de Fizz la Pelusa

La limpieza del aire en espacios interiores se conoce formalmente como calidad del aire interior (IAQ, por sus siglas en inglés). El Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de San Luis Obispo desarrolló un cuento infantil bilingüe para que los proveedores y maestros de espacios de aprendizaje infantil aprendan a mejorar la IAQ en los salones de clase. El libro se desarrolló con el apoyo financiero de un Premio de Educación Comunitaria sobre Calidad del Aire Interior del Departamento de Salud Pública de California, como parte del plan SMARTER de California.