Blue Shield Rx

Employees enrolled in the County’s Blue Shield High Deductible Health Plan with use Blue Shield as their pharmacy. 

  • You pay 100% of pharmacy costs until you meet the plan’s deductible. This means if your prescription costs $100, you will need to pay the $100 each time you pick it up until you reach your deductible.
  • You do NOT have a set co-pay. Once you meet your deductible, you will have co-insurance coverage, meaning you will pay 20% of your prescription’s cost.
    • If your prescription costs $100 and you have met your deductible, you will pay 20% ($20) and the plan will cover the remaining 80% ($80).
  • Once you reach your annual out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will pay 100%.

Contact Information

Blue Shield Support



Anyone enrolled in the County’s Blue Shield HDHP.


Rx 'N Go
Express Scripts