County Publishes 2016 Annual Report
Author: Administrative Office
Date: 2/21/2017 4:08 PM
Residents of San Luis Obispo County can now access the County’s 2016 Annual Report online to find information about activities, accomplishments and challenges the County faced last year.
The County published its 2016 Annual Report today to give people a glimpse at some of the hundreds of public services provided by the County last year.
“The annual report provides residents of San Luis Obispo County with a summary of the public services offered in 2016,” said County Administrative Officer Dan Buckshi. “The report for 2016 shines a light on some of the ways the County met the needs and desires of the community. It identifies the challenges we faced this past year and highlights important outcomes associated with the programs and services we provided.”
From a behind-the-scenes look at FEMA drills and the Phillips 66 hearings to details about the three elections the County managed last year, the report is full of important information that the public can use and refer back to for years to come.
The report can only be found online at www.slocountyannualreport.com. The report this year is broken out into five main sections: water, community, economy, upgrades, and safety. It also includes a video message from District 4 Supervisor Lynn Compton, who served as the 2016 Chair of the Board of Supervisors, and a written message from Buckshi.
Existing staff prepared the report in-house, which included coordination between departments, content development, graphic design, website development and video production.