New County Website Puts People First
Author: Administrative Office
Date: 7/25/2017 4:55 PM
The County has a brand new website meant to help boost citizen engagement and government transparency.
People can access local public services and information easier than ever before by visiting the County of San Luis Obispo government’s brand-new website, which can be found at www.slocounty.ca.gov.
The new design went live on the morning of July 26, 2017 after months of work by more than 100 County employees who updated the site’s content, design and structure.
“This is part of our effort to put the people we serve first. The citizens of San Luis Obispo County have told us that they want to access public information and conduct business with the County online in a simple and intuitive way,” said County Communications Analyst Whitney Szentesi. “This updated website will boost self-service, citizen engagement and transparency, while also enhancing County operations.”
This is the first major design overhaul of the County’s website in 10 years, even though the County has seen growth in website traffic year over year. Last year 714,000 people visited the site a total of 1.5 million times but the website’s users found the site difficult to navigate, according to recent survey. The new site includes more ways to find information about the County’s more than 750 public services as well as the latest County news and public meetings.
The site is also now responsive to different screen sizes, which means that it will be easier to use for people on mobile devices. The number of people using mobile devices to visit the County’s website has increased over time, but mobile users are more likely than desktop users to leave the site after visiting just one page.
“More people are using mobile devices and they should get the same experience on our website as desktop users. This new design ensures that no matter what device you’re using, you can easily and intuitively access County services and information,” Szentesi said.
The County first launched www.slocounty.ca.gov in 2006 and, at the time, it won several awards. However, over time, the site became outdated and difficult for both staff and the public to use. The Board of Supervisors approved this renovation project in May 2016.
The County hired local design agency iiiDesign to design the new website and purchased a new content management system called Kentico that will allow the County to update the site easily and add new features in the future.