Ballot Type 6 - County Supervisorial Districts 3 and 4
Due to the redistricting process of the County Supervisorial boundaries, there will be TWO separate County Supervisor contests on ballot type 6 (consolidated precincts 412, 413, MB06174, MB06214, and MBX6174) for the June 7, 2022, Statewide Direct Primary Election. Voters receiving this ballot may vote on both contests.
The first contest is for a special vacancy election for Supervisorial District 3, for the remainder of the term ending on January 3, 2023. The incumbent was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy which occurred in the first half of the term of office. By law, the remainder of the term must go to election and be voted on by residents of the supervisorial district boundaries which were in effect for the term of office which started in January 2021 and ends in January 2025.
The second contest is the regular election for the full 4-year term of office beginning on January 3, 2023, (full term) for Supervisorial District 4 which is elected by voters residing within the newly adopted boundaries for this district.
Voters residing within both the “old” Supervisorial District 3 and the “new” Supervisorial District 4 as described above will receive a ballot including both contests as shown below.