April is Crime Victims' Rights Awareness month in San Luis Obispo County
Author: District Attorney
Date: 4/6/2021 10:30 AM
SLO County DA’s Office and the Cal Poly Cybersecurity Institute team up to provide information and resources to the community in April.
Today, the Board of Supervisors proclaimed the month of April as Crime Victims’ Rights Awareness Month in San Luis Obispo County. The week of April 18-24th will mark the 40th Anniversary of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). This is a time to honor survivors and their loved ones, raise awareness of victims' rights and services, and stand with those whose lives have been impacted by crime. This year's theme is "Support Victims. Build Trust. Engage Communities." emphasizing the importance of developing connection and community support to help victims of crime.
“In this era of major criminal justice system reform, it is imperative that we not forget the victims of crime,” said District Attorney Dan Dow. “This year, I am encouraging others to join me in using ‘Criminal & Victim Justice System’ as the new descriptive term for our justice system. This will help to ensure that when we talk about how to improve our system, victims are not forgotten or put lower in priority.”
This year the District Attorney’s Office Christopher G. Money Victim Witness Assistance Center will be teaming up with the Cal Poly California Cybersecurity Institute to host two free online webinars on April 20th & April 21st. Each webinar will feature a variety of special guest speakers who will provide information on local resources and outline victims’ rights.
You must pre-register to attend:
Tuesday, April 20th 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Learn about the new Child Advocacy Center (CAC) in San Luis Obispo county. It is a collaborative approach to intervening in child abuse and advocating for our children. Our multiagency partners will inform you about this exciting effort.
Register for this free event at:
Wednesday, April 21st 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Victims’ rights are critically important but often overlooked and undervalued in the criminal justice system. Join us to learn what these rights mean for victims of crime. You will also be introduced to The District Attorney’s Office Christopher G. Money Victim Witness Assistance Center’s new staff member: Edgar the Courthouse Dog.
Register for this free event at:
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If you or someone you know has been the victim of a crime, you can contact the Christopher G. Money Victim Witness Assistance Center for information and services including:
- Crisis Intervention
- Emergency Assistance
- Resource and Referral Assistance
- Victim Compensation Program Claim Assistance
- Property Return
- Orientation to the Criminal Justice System
- Court Escort and Support
- Case Status/Case Disposition
- Notification of Family/Friends
- Employer Notification/Intervention
- Restitution Assistance
For more information visit: https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/District-Attorney/Victim-Witness-Assistance-Center.aspx
District Attorney's Office - Christopher G. Money Assistance Center
Courthouse Annex
1035 Palm Street, #384
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
(805) 781-5821
email us at: [email protected]
The San Luis Obispo County Victim Witness Assistance Center works to reduce the trauma, frustration and inconvenience experienced by victims, witnesses, and family members affected by crime. We do this by providing a wide variety of services to victims of crime and their families, in addition to supporting victims and witnesses throughout the criminal justice process. As part of our mission, we inform victims of their constitutional and statutory rights under California law, and how to exercise those rights. – Mission Statement
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