Tyler Grant Stevens Charged with Murder & Hate Crime
Author: District Attorney
Date: 11/5/2024 4:19 PM
District Attorney Dan Dow announced today that Tyler Grant Stevens (DOB 02/28/2003) has been charged with murder and animal cruelty in connection with the missing persons investigation of Todd Joseph Pinion.
District Attorney Dan Dow announced today that 21-year-old Tyler Grant Stevens of Paso Robles has been charged with murder and animal cruelty in connection with the missing person investigation of Todd Joseph Pinion (34). Stevens is also charged with a ‘hate crime’ enhancement that alleges the murder was committed in whole or in part, because of the victim’s actual or perceived sexual orientation.
The two count felony complaint, filed this afternoon, alleges that Stevens murdered Todd Joseph Pinion and committed animal abuse related to Todd’s dog, Spock. The complaint also alleges that the killing was committed with a knife and the circumstances of the killing constitute a hate crime under California law. It is further alleged that Stevens has a 2022 conviction for assault on a peace office with a deadly weapon, a strike under California’s Three Strikes Law.
Stevens will be arraigned on November 6, 2024 in Department 3 of the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court. Please note, a defendant in a criminal proceeding is presumed not guilty until the allegations have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
The investigation is on-going. If you have any information you think may assist please contact the Atascadero Police Department.Here is a copy of the complaint document. Here is a copy of the defendant's booking photo.
Please contact Assistant District Attorney Eric J. Dobroth at 805.781.5819 with any questions.
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