Road Naming
A road name is required for any road that provides access to more than one lot, or to one lot with more than two buildings or more than four houses. Road names must be approved before a final building inspection is completed. Existing roads can be named or renamed through petition of a majority of the property owners located on the road.
What is the process?
Step 1: Complete an Application Package
- Complete a Road Naming Application.
- Vacinity Map - must include the entire road to be named.
Step 2: Apply Online
Please apply for road naming through the online service PermitSLO.
- To apply online, click here and find Road Naming
- Click Apply
- Log In or Register
- Follow step-by-step instructions.
- Upload the Road Naming Application and Vacinity Map before clicking Submit.
Planning staff will look over the application submittal package and contact the primary contact with any questions.
Step 3: Pay Invoice
Planning staff will email the billing contact an invoice. Pay invoice here*.
Once the invoice is paid, the project review timeline will begin.
Please note for all Planning and Building applications, after 15 days of non-payment of invoice, the application will be voided and resubmittal will be required.
Step 4: Application Completeness Review
Department of Planning & Building staff reviews the application for consistency with applicable land use regulations. An application may be deemed incomplete and require additional information, and an information hold letter will be sent to the applicant, or authorized agent for the applicant. If the application is complete, the application will be accepted as complete for processing.
Step 5: Public Hearing
Department of Planning & Building staff reviews the proposed road name and schedules it for consideration at a Planning Department Hearing.
Planning staff contacts applicant and provides a:
- Road Name Approval Letter,
- Road Name List, and
- Road Name Exhibit
Is there a charge for this service?
Please refer to the Department of Planning & Building Fee Schedule for application fees.
When and where is this service offered?
Road naming applications can be submitted at anytime throughout the year; typically the road naming process takes 2-4 months to complete.
Location, directions and hours of operation
Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
976 Osos Street Room 200
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
Tel: (805) 781-5600
Fax: (805) 781-1242
Permits/Inspections: (805) 788-6602
All road names must comply with the following standards:
- The road name cannot duplicate another road name elsewhere in the county. Similar sounding names, even when spelled differently, are considered duplicates.
- Roads cannot be named after the surnames of living persons, except those named after family surnames that are prominent in county history, even if family members are still living. Documentation of historical significance is required when submitting this type of road name.
- Road names, whether in English or a foreign language, must be grammatically correct, and easy to spell and pronounce. Staff will assign the appropriate road classification and this must be included on the road sign (street, way, etc.)
- Road names, including punctuation, spacing and road classification shall be of a length to fit on a 36 inch sign blade (approximately 18 letters).
Any road with an official road name must be marked with a sign that is clearly visible and legible from the road. Road signs can be obtained from any sign vendor. The vendor must meet the county road sign specification M-4, which can be obtained from the Department of Public Works. If the road is maintained by the County, the road signs must consist of white lettering on a green background. For roads not maintained by the County, the signs must consist of green lettering on a white background.
The purchase and placement of road signs are the responsibility of the subdivider when a road is created a subdivision of land.
The purchase and placement of road name signs for all other roads are the responsibility of the party(ies) requesting the road name (applicant). If the road is maintained by the County, the road name signs will be maintained by the County. If the road is maintained by another agency (road maintenance agreement, homeowner’s association, community service district, etc.) the signs will be maintained by that entity.
If the road is not maintained by either the County or another agency, the road name signs must be maintained by the applicant.
Road name signs must be placed outside of the public right-of-way.