Adopted Ordinances that are not a codified record or not yet approved by Coastal Commission
- 3522 - Establishing Los Osos Habitat Conservation Plan Mitigation Fees
- 3521 - Operation of emergency homeless shelters at public facilities
- 3520 - Amending County Fee Schedule
- 3516 - Amending Title 23 to update the Flood Hazard Areas Standards and definitions
- 3514 - Amending County Fee Schedule for Fund Center (FC) 166 - Behavioral Health
- 3513 - Amending Title 23 relating to Cannabis Activities
- 3511 - Approving a development agreement between the County and NKT Development LLC
- 3505 - Amending County Fee Schedule - Cannabis Fees
- 3504 - Amending County Fee Schedule - Cannabis Fees
- 3503 - Amending County Fee Schedule - Planning and Building Fees
- 3502 – Extending operation of emergency homeless shelters at public facilities
- 3499 – Amending County Fee Schedule
- 3497 – Amending County Fee Ordinance – Public Health Department
- 3493 - Amending sewer/waste disposal service charges for CSA1F (New Galaxy, Nipomo)
- 3492 - Amending sewer/waste disposal service charges for CSA1 (Nipomo)
- 3491 - Amending sewer/waste disposal service charges for CSA1A (Galaxy Park, Nipomo)
- 3486 - Implementing a Community Choice Aggregation Program
- 3480 - Amending County Fee Schedule
- 3479 - Operation of emergency homeless shelters at public facilities
- 3478 - Levying Special Tax w/in Community Facilities District No. 2022-1 (Oak Shores Wastewater)
- 3477 - Amending County Schedule to update Planning and Building & Sheriff-Coroner Cannabis Fees
- 3475 - Amending County Fee Schedule – Behavioral Health Department DUI Fees
- 3466 - Amending County Fee Schedule - Planning & Building Fees
- 3463 - Amending County Fee Schedule
- 3460 - Amending the Traffic Regulations Code & Establishing Limited Parking Areas in Los Osos
- 3459 - Establishing Standard for Emergency Homeless Shelters at Public Facilities
- 3428 - Amending Title 23 relating to Density Bonus
- 3426 - Amending the County Fee Schedule
- 3419 - Amending County Fee Schedule to add new fees for COVID-19 Testing
- 3418 - Amending Title 23 related to Agricultural Worker Dwellings
- 3413 - Establishing Sewer Service Charges Increase for the Los Osos Sewer Service Area
- 3412 - Establishing Water Service Charges for County Service Area No. 16 in Shandon
- 3411 - Amending wastewater service charges for County Service Area No. 7A, Oak Shores
- 3406 - Amending Title 23 amending the Flood Hazard Area Permit & Processing Requirements
- 3399 - Amending County Fee Schedule
- 3395 - Amending Water Service Charges for County Service Area No. 23 - Santa Margarita
- 3394 - Temporary Moratorium on the Cultivation of Industrial Hemp Extension Urgency Ordinance
- 3393 - Temporary Moratorium on the Cultivation of Industrial Hemp Urgency Ordinance
- 3392 - Amending the Land Use Ordinance relating to Cannabis Activities
- 3379 - Amending the Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance, General Plan, Local Coastal Plan – Parts I & II
- 3378 - Amending the Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance relating to Cannabis Activities
- 3374 - Amending the County Fee Schedule Create a New Fee Category Cannabis Fees
- 3371 - Amending Water Service Charges for County Service Area No. 10A, Cayucos
- 3364 - Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance Amendments
- 3362 - Authorizing the Cannabis Hearing Officer to Conduct Nuisance Abatement Hearings
- 3359 - General Plan Amendments Ordinance
- 3354 - Cannabis (marijuana) Cultivating Moratorium Extension Interim Zoning Ordinance
- 3350 - Cost-recovery Fees Monthly Payment Programs Ordinance
- 3347 - Native Tree Interim Zoning/Urgency Ordinance Second Extension