Commencing Construction Work on the Arroyo Grande Creek Flood Control Channel and Levee in Oceano
Author: Alejandra Celio - Public Works
Date: 10/6/2023 3:55 PM
SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY – Construction activity will take place in Oceano's Flood Control Zone 1/1A along the Arroyo Grande Creek channel and levees over the next several months.
Construction crews will be working throughout the length of the creek to implement the Phase I: Arroyo Grande Creek Channel Emergency Capacity Restoration Project and Phase II: Arroyo Grande Creek Emergency Levee Rehabilitation Project.
The Phase I and Phase II projects are being implemented by the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) with the help of several consultant teams and contractors. Phase I is intended to address the flow characteristics of the Arroyo Grande Creek Channel through vegetation and sediment removal to restore capacity and flood protection to the surrounding community to pre-2022-2023 winter storm conditions. Phase II will consist of levee repairs from damages caused by overtopping and seepage during the 2022-2023 winter storms. Construction crews will begin mobilization the week of Sept. 11.
The District would like to thank the community of Oceano and members of the Flood Control Zone 1/1A Advisory Committee for their continued patience, cooperation, and support.