Public Information Session on Proposed Amendment to the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan (Trilogy at Monarch Dunes)
Author: Planning & Building
Date: 6/10/2022 2:16 PM
On June 16, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building will host a public information session via Zoom, to present the proposed amendment to the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan.
The Monarch Dunes Specific Plan establishes the roadmap for the development of the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan area (commonly known as “Trilogy at Monarch Dunes”), which is a 957-acre development located on the Nipomo Mesa, approximately two miles west of the community of Nipomo.
The applicant’s request is to modify the allowable land uses for four sites within the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan area by amending the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan. The proposed amendment would result in the increase of residential dwelling units and decrease of commercial retail uses, hotel rooms, and park area planned for the area. Below is a summary of the proposed changes to the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan provided by the applicant. The summary provides an overview of the proposed amendment with descriptions of potential standards for the four affected sites.
Monarch Dunes Specific Plan Amendment – Summary of Proposed Changes
provide an update on the status the proposed amendment
present proposed changes by the applicant
address initial public comments
gather public input
When Thursday, June 16, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Where The public information session will be held on Zoom.
Please click the Zoom link below to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84803531230?pwd=WnppRWtFSkVPZks1bzZQYlpUWkt0QT09
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