Plans & Reports

ADA Transition Plan

The ADA required that public entities draft a transition plan to be completed by July 26th, 1992. The ADA Transition Plan was to identify any structural changes necessary to achieve program accessibility.

Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook


The County’s Department of Public Works and Department of Planning & Building are updating the County’s Low Impact Development Handbook. The Low Impact Development (LID) Handbook was first published in 2014 to support project developers with integration of the Central Coast Post-Construction Stormwater Requirements (Resolution R3-2013-0032).

The updated Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook will serve as the guidance document that communicates the County’s expectations for post-construction stormwater management and strategies that meet the Central Coast Post-Construction design requirements. Once completed, the new Post-Construction Guidebook will replace the existing Low Impact Development Handbook.

The update effort includes the release of a Preliminary Draft and Final Draft versions for public comment. The final adopted Guidebook is expected to be released in 2024. The County will host a public webinar in conjunction with the launch of the completed Guidebook.

County staff welcome your questions and comments on this update process via email to [email protected]

Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan

The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (“Plan”) is a multi-year planning document designed to identify, prioritize, and track the progress of capital projects with estimated costs over $100,000 that relate to the maintenance, improvement, or building of facilities or infrastructure during the period of FY 2024-25 through FY 2028-29.

The following dropdown menus will display the Plan, along with the Individual Project Information Sheets, which include detailed information about each capital project in the Plan.

Development Plan Checking

Review construction documents associated with land development

Drainage Studies

These reports summarize findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Drainage and Flood Control Study conducted for seven San Luis Obispo communities.

Drinking Water Source Assessments

These assessments identify the vulnerability of the drinking water supply to contamination from typical human activities, intending to facilitate and provide the basic information for each community to develop a program to protect the drinking water supply.

Master Water Report

The Master Water Report (MWR) is a comprehensive plan evaluating water management strategies - including optimization of existing water supplies - to meet water resource needs County-wide.

Pavement Management Report

Since 1997, the Public Works Department has maintained a formal pavement management program for documenting road conditions, forecasting pavement maintenance and scheduling maintenance funds for the road network.

Project Bid Results

Bid results for Public Works projects since 2009.

Public Improvement Standards

The purpose of establishing Public Improvement Standards is to help provide public facilities and services that ensure health and safety and enhance quality of life for the community.

Public Works Public Records Request

Public Works provides access to public records per the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Examples of requests Public Works is best suited to handle would pertain to County roadways, mapping, improvement projects or water data.

Title VI

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that "No person in the united States shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." 

Traffic Circulation Studies

Traffic Circulation Studies involve the creation of a new computerized traffic models that would reasonably simulate current traffic flow patterns and also forecast future travel demands and traffic flow patterns.

Traffic Counts

The County of San Luis Obispo Public Works Department maintains traffic count data for all County maintained roads.

Traffic Regulations Code Book

The Traffic Regulations Code Book outlines the provisions and regulations previously contained in Title 15 of the County Code.

Water Quality Reports

Details on where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to State standards.

Watershed Sanitary Surveys

Each survey is compiled to provide information identifying existing and future sources of water contamination, provide a baseline of water quality and watershed conditions, and recommend watershed management practices that will protect raw water quality.