COVID-19 Testing

Pick up tests at no cost inside Public Health clinics

You can now pick up tests at no cost inside Public Health clinics in Grover Beach, Paso Robles, and San Luis Obispo during business hours. You may take two tests per person in your household at these sites. There are no requirements related to residency, income, insurance, or immigration status. If you need tests and are unable to get them at these sites, contact us online or call 805-781-5500.

Please Note: We occasionally run out of tests and ask that you check back the following week. Feel free to call ahead.

Find a nearby testing provider 

COVID-19 testing is available from providers across SLO County. These facilities may charge co-pays or fees, so be sure to call ahead to confirm hours and costs. See a list of testing providers

Report a positive at-home test

Test positive from an at-home (rapid) COVID test? Report your result here.

Healthcare providers, report a COVID-19 case

If you are a healthcare provider, see how to report a positive test from a laboratory or clinic

May have COVID-19? Where to Go for Testing and Treatment

COVID-19 testing and treatment are available from many providers. These facilities may charge co-pays or fees, so consider calling ahead to confirm hours and costs.   

See other testing sites near you