Countywide Projects & Programs


PFAS in San Luis Obispo County

The health and safety of County residents is the highest priority for the County of San Luis Obispo. The County is working cooperatively with the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) as it assesses the quality of the County's groundwater. At present, County supplied water continues to meet both federal and state water quality standards and is safe for customers to consume. For more detailed information on water quality in specific county areas, residents can contact their local water providers or the CCRWQCB. 


*Please note: The board took action on April 18, 2023 and the County is currently updating the information and will make updates to this site as soon as available.

On December 14, 2021 the Board ultimately adopted Map I.D. No. 74786 "Adopted Map" which are the current supervisorial boundaries of the County Board of Supervisors. 

Draft Maps & Publicly Submitted Maps

See the process of phasing in new Board Adopted Supervisorial Boundaries after redistricting

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On January 12, 2022, an organization called SLO County Citizens for Good Government, and three other individuals filed a lawsuit in San Luis Obispo Superior Court challenging the validity of the Board's approval of the Adopted map. On March 24, 2023, the County Board entered into a settlement agreement with Petitioners. In sum, the settlement agreement stipulates to a mechanism where the Court sets aside the Adopted Map and directs the County to consider the other maps which were previously considered during the 2021 redistricting process.

On April 4, 2023, an introduction of three ordinances each of which repeal the Suervisorial District boundaries established by Ordinance No. 3467 and each of which propose new boundaries based on three previously considered maps commonly referred to as Map A, Map B, and the Chamber Map will be introduced with a hearing date scheduled of April 18, 2023.

Map A

Map B

Chamber Map

On April 18, 2023 the Board will consider Map A, Map B and the Chamber Map. The public may comment at the hearing set for April 18, 2023 at 9:00 am. (no comment on the ordinance hearing will be accepted during the morning session when regular Board Business will be heard).


2020 Census Outreach Project

Notice to the Public: The last day to take the U.S. Census or send in your paper response was Oct. 15, 2020.

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Decommissioning

The County is working with community stakeholders, local cities, school districts, Chambers of Commerce, and PG&E to look at options that would reduce the economic impacts our community will face due to the closure of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Together, the stakeholders will guide a project that will develop an economic strategy intended to help reduce the impact of the closure throughout our region. They will hire a consultant for an economic analysis and the development of long-term economic strategies. 

Regional Infrastructure and Affordable Housing Planning

The County is coordinating a broader regional effort to examine infrastructure and housing needs countywide and to integrate efforts to address the region’s critical housing and infrastructure shortage.