All Behavioral Health Services

Alternative Method to Receive Services

 Step 1: Call 

Call us at (800) 838-1381. During the phone conversation, we will ask you whether your needs are urgent and what type of help you are looking for.

 Step 2: Assess 

Once we identify what type of help you would like, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to go into more detail and complete your assessment so we may understand your specific needs.

 Step 3: Treat  

At your follow-up appointment, once your assessment is complete, we will connect you and/or your family member to services and treatment that you and your counselor agree will help you most.



Sobering Center

The SLO Sobering Center is managed by Good Samaritan and provides short-term sobering and transition services. The Center is a harm reduction facility, certified for withdrawal management services using social model methods. Medication Addiction Treatment (MAT) services are available as needed.

The Center strives to divert individuals from jail and potential legal repercussions of minor offenses and will be used to connect them to mental health and substance use treatment services, case management, housing, and other services available in the area.

Funding for the Sobering Center has been provided by CenCal Health, and grant funding from the County's Opioid Settlement Funds.

Behavioral Health Community Action Team

The Behavioral Health Community Action Team (BHCAT) is a partnership with the Sheriff's Office, Paso Robles Police Department and the Atascadero Police Department.  Behavioral Health staff are paired with a law enforcement officer with specific mental health training.  The provide crisis interventions as well as outreach and engagement for people with mental illness or substance use issues. The CATs team are committed to connecting individuals to treatment and other services in lieu of arrest. The program was initially funded through a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Early Diversion Grant in 2019. Based on the success of the program it has been continued beyond the grant and is funded through MHSA.   

Crisis Stabilization Services

SLO County community members needing crisis stabilization may be transferred to the Marian Outpatient Unit in Santa Maria or other nearby counties for services as appropriate. Mental Health Crisis Services are available in SLO County through the following:

Note: As of January 1, 2025, the Crisis Stabilization Unit once located at 2180 Johnson Avenue in San Luis Obispo is closed.

Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET)

The Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) provides crisis services at the local hospitals for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Such services are initiated by the hospital staff and include:

  • Emergency psychiatric evaluation
  • Assessment for appropriate level of care
  • Crisis intervention services and mental health support
  • Referrals, resources, and peer support advocacy
  • Post-crisis follow-up support


The County has partnered with Sierra Mental Wellness Group as its provider of MHET services. Interventions are client oriented, and wellness and recovery-centered, to maximize the ability of the individual to manage the crisis. Additionally, this immediate stabilization response is supplemented with a next day follow-up for non-hospitalized clients to continue support and provide assistance in following through with referrals and appointments.

Mobile Crisis Services

Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime. 

Mobile crisis services are available 24/7 for anyone within San Luis Obispo County who is experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis and is at immediate risk of danger and subsequent harm. Such services include but are not limited to:

  • De-escalation of a person’s level of distress
  • Prevention of a behavioral health crisis
  • Reduction of acute symptoms of a mental health condition
  • Assessment for appropriate level of care
  • Referrals, resources, and peer support advocacy
  • Post-crisis follow-up support

The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) provides crisis services to individuals in the community who are experiencing acute distress and require a rapid response and urgent care. The goal is to assist the individual in stabilizing and remaining in their own environment, prevent the need for higher levels of care, and avoid unnecessary emergency department care and law enforcement involvement.

The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. To request an MCT response, call the Central Coast Hotline at 1-800-783-0607.

The Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) provides crisis services at the local hospitals for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Such services are initiated by the hospital staff and include:

  • Emergency psychiatric evaluation
  • Assessment for appropriate level of care
  • Crisis intervention services and mental health support
  • Referrals, resources, and peer support advocacy
  • Post-crisis follow-up support

If you are experiencing an urgent medical or safety issue, call 9-1-1 for assistance.


Mobile Crisis Team (MCT)

The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) program offers 24/7/365 mobile support to people experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis; meeting them where they are and when they need it. Available countywide and to people of all ages, MCT is an alternative to law enforcement response with teams comprised of behavioral health experts who are trained to respond in the community.  The objective of the MCT is to de-escalate crises related to alcohol, drugs, or mental health conditions, that do not involve medical emergencies, weapons, or known threats of violence. 

MCT services include but are not limited to: 

  • Stabilizing the crisis through intervention and de-escalation. 
  • Providing transportation to their behavioral health services as needed. 
  • Connecting individuals in crisis to community resources and treatment. 
  • Coordinating initial treatment services for up to 30 days. 


For access to crisis intervention services, please contact the 24/7 Central Coast Hotline: (800) 783-0607.

Trained dispatchers will assess the situation for risk and safety through a series of questions to determine if the MCT or alternative crisis intervention or response services are appropriate. 

The County has partnered with Sierra Mental Wellness Group as its provider of MCT services. Interventions are client oriented, and wellness and recovery-centered, to maximize the ability of the individual to manage the crisis. Additionally, this immediate stabilization response is supplemented with a next day follow-up to continue support and provide assistance in following through with referrals and appointments.

Psychiatric Health Facility (Inpatient)

The County of San Luis Obispo supports a 16-bed, licensed Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF). The PHF provides observation and treatment for individuals in psychiatric crisis with acute mental illness under licensed psychiatric direction. 

Psychiatric crisis emergency services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1 (800) 838-1381. If you are not in a crisis and need emotional support, please call the Central Coast Hotline at 1 (800) 783-0607.

The PHF is operated by Crestwood Behavioral Health in partnership with the County under a license issued and regulated by the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) as a facility that provides 72 hours of psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

Adult Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment

This service provides a full array of treatment options for adults (18 years and older) experiencing substance use issues.
Please contact our access line at 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment. All services are available in Spanish.

Services include:

  • Screening and Assessment
  • Treatment Planning
  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication Services
  • Psychiatry
  • Case Management
  • Adult Residential Placement

Other programs include:

Adult Justice/Court Mandated Programs

The Drug and Alcohol team provides a full array of forensic treatment options for 18+ year olds who are experiencing substance use issues and have had involvement with the legal justice system. Individuals will be assessed for level of care and to create an individualized treatment plan. Criminal justice modalities include:

  • Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ)
  • Proposition-36
  • Family Treatment Court (FTC)
  • Adult Drug Court (ADC)
  • Post/Pre Release Treatment Services (PRTS—AB-109).

FTC is a therapeutic court, specifically designed for parents whose substance abuse contributes to child abuse and/or neglect resulting in involvement with juvenile court dependency proceedings under Welfare and Institutions Code sec. 300, etc. FTC is comprised of a Juvenile court judge, program coordinators from Drug and Alcohol Services and Department of Child Welfare Services, social workers, treatment specialists, CASA, and workers. The team is dedicated to parent/family progress through a 12-month, 4-phase treatment court. This court provides accountability, structure, incentives, and sanctions. FTC is a collaborative approach in promoting reunification of children with healthy parents living a clean and sober lifestyle.  

Co-Occurring Disorders Program

This service provides multi-diagnosis services and treatments for people who suffer from mental health and substance use disorders.

Driving Under the Influence Programs

Effective 3/13/2024: the County of San Luis Obispo will begin the transfer of DUI Program Services to Kings View Behavioral Health Systems.

To enroll in a DUI Program please Contact:

The Kings View Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program

2727 Buena Vista Drive Ste 109

Paso Robles, CA 93446.


Information for Current SLO County DUI Clients Enrolled in Paso Robles (click here)

Information for Current SLO County DUI Clients Enrolled in Atascadero, San Luis Obispo, or Grover Beach (click here)

Drug and Alcohol Services is a Licensed Driving Under the Influence Provider. Drug and Alcohol Services provides quality, professional, and confidential services for those in need of fulfilling requirements stemming from penalties surrounding driving under the influence. 

Drug & Alcohol Services Walk In Clinics

Screening is the first step for anyone who is seeking drug and alcohol treatment or evaluation through Drug and Alcohol Services. The public is welcome to walk in and request services. We offer treatment for voluntary as well as mandated clients. After completing a screening to determine if treatment is medically necessary, a full assessment for placement in treatment is scheduled and a plan for treatment is developed between the individual seeking help and the counselor.

Youth clients can be screened in Drug & Alcohol Services locations as well as at the Prevention & Outreach offices at 277 South St., Ste. T, in San Luis Obispo. 

Drug & Alcohol Services Fees

View current fees for Drug and Alcohol Service Programs. 

Drug & Alcohol Services Residential Programs

Drug and Alcohol Services provides Residential Treatment or Sober Living Environments for higher-levels of care. Clients have been assessed as needing highly structured Residential Treatment or Sober Living Environments. Gender-specific, sober living environments create a structured and nurturing living arrangement which foster a safe place utilizing the peer-to-peer concept of recovery principles. 

Drug Medi-Cal Outpatient Delivery System (ODS)

The County of San Luis Obispo Health Agency, Behavioral Health Department is currently the primary Drug Medi-Cal certified provider in the County.

Genoa Pharmacy

Behavioral Health now offers an on site pharmacy through Genoa Healthcare. This new service allows individuals to easily pick-up medications at the same site as their treatment and as well as have access to a pharmacist that is directly a part of their Behavioral Health care team. Home-delivery and by mail options are available.

The pharmacy is located next to the Behavioral Health Adult Mental Health Services building, 2178 Johnson Avenue , Suite P1, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.

Hours of operation: Monday- Friday 8:30am-5pm (closed for lunch from 12:30pm-1pm).
Learn more by calling (805) 242-4051 or by visiting

Jail-Based Services

Drug & Alcohol provides an array of jail based services for those that are incarcerated in San Luis Obispo County Jail. These services include Metal Health and Substance Use Disorder screening, assessment, and diagnosis. Based on the assessment, individuals may be eligible for Pre-Release Treatment Services which include; individual and group involvement, psychological services, and/or medication management. The main purpose of these services is to link the individual with the re-entry services and facilitate a seamless handoff to Post Release Treatment Services (PRTS).

Medication Assisted Treatment

This service provides Medication Assisted Treatment for those suffering from opiate use disorders. Opiates include heroin, morphine, oxycontin, and other narcotic pain killers. Medication Assisted Treatment is also available for those suffering from alcohol use disorders, and involves the use of medications to decrease cravings, decrease side effects of withdrawal, and to provide improved motivation to abstain from substances.

Narcotic Treatment Program (NTP)

This service provides a program with AEGIS methadone clinic for replacement therapy. This includes access to medication such as methadone and buprenorphine (Suboxone). AEGIS utilizes an evidence-based, multi-disciplinary and holistic treatment model to treat clients.

For more information, call (805) 461-5212 or go to


Perinatal Outpatient Extended Group (POEG)

Perinatal Outpatient Extended Group (POEG) is an intensive outpatient treatment program designed to provide a safe, positive, structured drug and alcohol free learning environment with focus on the family as a unit. POEG meets four days a week, three hours a day. 

Services include:

  • Individual and family group process
  • Play therapy
  • Parent support and education group.

Recovery Support Services

Recovery Support Services is provided to individuals upon completion of their treatment episode. We continue to provide care management, support, and guidance to ease the participant’s transition back into their community. This allows individuals to continue with minimal treatment services while participating in peer-to-peer support services as well as in existing Alumni groups.

Withdrawal Management - Detox

Drug and Alcohol provides interventions aimed at managing acute withdrawal as part of caring for substance-related disorders, including: Evaluation, Stabilization of the patient, often with the use of medications, and Fostering support for recovery.

Withdrawal Management services are for alcohol withdrawal treatment, opiate withdrawal treatment, and methamphetamine withdrawal support.

Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is court-ordered outpatient mental health treatment for individuals with serious mental illness who are unable to live safely in the community, but who refuse to participate in treatment on their own. The law that allows court-ordered treatment is sometimes called “Laura’s Law”. SLO Behavioral Health’s AOT program started in March, 2016, and is funded by the Mental Health Services Act.

AOT Program:
SLO Behavioral Health staff provide outreach, assessment, program support and coordination with the court. Services offered to AOT clients include:

  • Co-Occurring treatment to address both mental health and substance use disorder needs
  • Rehabilitation services to assist clients in learning and utilizing skills to improve self-care, social support system, and health
  • Intensive case management to support clients in accessing housing, financial, vocational, health care, and social support services, including voluntary mental health services

For Brochure, Click here

Behavioral Health Bridge Housing

The BHBH Program provides quality, affordable housing for individuals who may have few, if any, alternatives. To reach this goal, TMHA will work alongside with the Behavioral Health Department to implement an array of support services assisting tenants in achieving needed residential stability and, whenever possible, necessary linkages with their families, and the community at large.

The main objective is to establish a setting where residents can cultivate a feeling of home and:
  1. Increase the housing options and services for individuals facing homelessness with severe behavioral health issues;
  2. Prevent a relapse into homelessness; and
  3. Improve personal mental health and overall wellness.

Behavioral Health Treatment Court

This service provides treatment opportunities for individuals who have behavioral health needs and have become involved in the criminal justice system. Upon successful completion individuals, depending criminal charges, may have their probation terminated early. Individuals will need to be on formal probation and have a minimum of one year remaining on probation to participate in this treatment court. Services include, case management, therapy, psychiatrist visits and medication management. 

Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Act Court

As of December 1, 2024, San Luis Obispo now offers CARE Court to help community members who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders the support and care they need. 

This new civil court process is designed to link individuals who have Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders to County Behavioral Health services, under the oversight of a judge, for up to 24 consecutive months. CARE is meant as a diversion process to prevent hospitalization, conservatorship or incarceration.

Behavioral Health services for individuals enrolled in CARE Act Court include a clinically-indicated, individualized treatment plan, with supportive services and a dedicated team. Housing resources are included in CARE and will be identified based on the participants needs. ​​​​​​For more information about CARE Court, please continue reading below, or visit one of the following State websites:

Please visit the Superior Court of San Luis Obispo County website for assistance with CARE Court filings and court proceedings and to view all CARE Act Forms. CARE court is not a criminal court, does not include persons with any/all mental health conditions and can not issue involuntary medication orders. 

Court Screening

Behavioral Health clinician provides treatment screenings in the San Luis Obispo Court house. Screenings provide treatment referral options, level of care recommendations, and treatment court referrals. Referrals consist of treatment referrals for the following services:


Court Screening Appointment Process

  • Screening appointments for clients will be made by the persons attorney through email to the Justice Services office using the appropriate referral form
  • Referral form required: Paper or electronic fillable form may be used. The form encompasses the information needed to provide a court screening. 
  • Send screening form to [email protected] for a screening appointment
    • Requires name of Court room, defense counsel, DDA
    • Client contract information including date of birth
  • Justice Services office will schedule the appointment
    • In custody referrals will be sent to the screeners for time slots at the jail
    • Out of custody referrals will be contacted within 24 hours with a screening time (zoom or in-person). Zoom link or appointment location will be provided at the time the appointment is made. 
  • At the time appointments are made Justice Services will collect releases to disclose the outcome of the screening to the court involved entities (including Probation) and release to talk to potential housing options if this will be needed at determination. 

Referral Form Link

Justice Services Treatment

The co-occuring services in the Justice Services division provide court mandated treatment to adults (18 years and older) who are experiencing mental health and/or substance use disorders. 

Mandated treatment court services include:

  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • Treatment Planning
  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication Services
  • Psychiatry
  • Case Management

Other programs include:

Mental Health Diversion Court (MHDC)

The mental health diversion court is a pre-plea program that is designed to educate and promote the understanding of healing and wellness by providing an integrated treatment program. For a period no longer than two years, defendants who are suffering from a mental health disorder and approved for the program are allowed to undergo mental health treatment and support in order to make permanent healthy and positive changes and establish a recovery-based lifestyle.

You can view the participant handbook here

Co-occurring Treatment Courts (ATCC)

An intensive outpatient behavioral health program that meets the clients' need for substance abuse treatment, mental health wellness, and reduction of traumatic symptoms. 

Using evidence-based recovery classes in conjunction with effective ancillary programs, ATCC provides clients with a holistic treatment model to fit their unique and individual needs. 

Who can use this service?

Anyone can use this service who has a substance use disorder and criminal justice involvement that is in need of assistance. Program participants must have a substance use disorder and mild to moderate mental health disorder. Participants must be 18 years of age and on formal probation with a minimum of a year left on probation. 

Adult Mental Health Outpatient Treatment

Adult Outpatient Mental Health Treatment services are provided to help determine your mental health treatment needs and meet your treatment goals. 

Please contact our access line at 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment. All services are available in Spanish.

Services include:

  • Screening, Assessment and Treatment Recommendations
  • Treatment Planning
  • Individual and Group Psychotherapy
  • Medication Services
  • Psychiatry
  • Case Management
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Residential Options as they are available

Other programs include:

Adult Full Service Partnership (FSP)

The Adult Full Service Partnership (FSP) program provides 24/7 intensive community-based wrap around services to help people in recovery live independently. The FSP Program is an intensive case management Team that works with program participants on a variety of rehabilitative services. FSP programs are funded by the Mental Health Services Act.

Adult Residential Programs

The Behavioral Health Department assists in making referrals for the placement of adults in mental health residential programs and secure mental health residential programs. This service is primarily available to clients who are receiving County Mental Health Services and who are on Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Conservatorship. Individuals or families can contact the assigned mental health provider for further information.  

Homeless Outreach Full Service Partnership

San Luis Obispo County’s Full Service Partnership for homeless individuals is a Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) program that provides outreach, assessment, and 24/7 intensive community-based wrap around services to help people achieve recovery and live independently.

Access to mental health services is the primary barrier to serving the homeless and this program focuses on outreach to unserved, difficult-to-reach populations. This will engage clients in health care, mental health treatment, and housing.

Services include:
  • Supportive care, case management, and rehabilitative mental health services.
  • Regular appointments with psychiatrists.
  • Regular access to medical services.
  • Highly individualized treatment, medication and personal milestones.
  • Support groups addressing other medical issues requiring maintenance and medication.
  • The development of independent living skills, including cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, conflict resolution, money management, and social skills.
  • Co-occurring disorder support groups for clients who also have problems with substance abuse.
  • Vocational and educational opportunities.

For more information please contact our access line at 1 (800) 838-1381

The program is conducted by Transitions-Mental Health Association.

Older Adult Full Service Partnership (FSP)

The Older Adult Full Services Partnership (FSP) provides an intensive intervention team for older adults (age 60+) with a serious mental illness. FSP programs provide a "whatever it takes" approach to promoting and encouraging wellness for enrolled FSP clients. FSP programs are funded by the Mental Health Services Act.

Abused Children’s Treatment Services (ACTS)

What is this service:
ACTS provides services for sexually abused children, age’s birth to 18 and their families. The primary goal of this program is to treat the symptoms and emotional trauma associated with sexual abuse, disclosure and court involvement, to reduce the possibility of further sexual abuse and to coordinate with other agencies in providing comprehensive services for victims and their families.

Child and Youth Full Service Partnership (FSP)

The Children and Youth Full Service Partnership (FSP) program serves children and youth ages 0-15 of all races and ethnicities with severe emotional disturbance or serious mental illnesses

Intensive Care Coordination (ICC)

What is this service: 
Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) is similar to Targeted Case Management (TCM) and includes components such as facilitating assessment, care planning and coordination of services, including urgent services for children or youth. ICC is delivered using a Child and Family Team and is intended for children or youth whose treatment requires cross-agency collaboration.

Intensive Day Treatment Services

What is this service:
Services are provided at two (2) sites in San Luis Obispo in collaboration with the County Office of Education.  Chris Jespersen Elementary School (Elementary and Junior High) and Vicente School (Junior High and High School). 

Intensive Home Based Services (IHBS)

Intensive Home Based Services (IHBS) are individualized, strength-based interventions to address mental health conditions that interfere with a child or youth’s functioning. IHBS help the child or youth build skills necessary for successful functioning in the home, community and school.

Katie A Intensive Team

What is this service:
The Katie A intensive team provides wraparound-like, intensive, community based mental health services and supports to children, youth and transitional age youth in the Child Welfare Services system. The therapist and rehabilitation specialist work as a team to provide services that are driven by the Child and Family Team and include the full array of mental health services as well as, Intensive Care Coordination and Intensive Home Based Services

Latino Outreach Program

One of the first programs funded through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), this service provides a full array of mental health services in the community that are culturally appropriate for both Latino adults and children/youth.  

Therapists in the program are Bilingual/Bicultural and work to increase access to mental health care for monolingual Latinos and to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness and treatment amongst the Latino population.

Please phone 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment.

Mental Health Services at the Juvenile Hall

Mental Health Therapists provide a mental health screening, risk assessment, crisis intervention and elective mental health services to all youth admitted into the Juvenile Hall. For youth at the Juvenile Hall that are in need of ongoing mental health services Mental Health Therapists may also provide assessment, therapy, rehabilitation services, and referrals for community services. A Psychiatrist from Mental Health provides medication and evaluation and monitoring once a week.


Mental Health Services in Therapeutic Learning Classrooms

Mental Health Youth Services therapists provide a full array of school-linked mental health services to several Therapeutic Learning Classrooms in San Luis Obispo County.

The therapist collaborates with teachers, school principals, parents, student study teams, individualized education plan teams, school psychologists, and other agencies as needed in developing individual treatment plans for these children.

Martha’s Place Children's Center

Martha's Place Children’s Center provides multidisciplinary assessment, individual and family therapy to children birth to five (5).  Youth may receive a mental health assessment and /or a specialized pediatric assessment depending on their specific needs. Case management services are provided to connect families with resources and some medication management is provided by the pediatrician.

Services can be accessed by calling Martha’s Place: (805) 781-4948.

Martha's Place Referral Form

Remisión de Martha’s Place

Services Affirming Family Empowerment (SAFE)

SAFE teams convene in four areas of the county: North, Coast, San Luis Obispo, and Arroyo Grande  to provide various levels of service and provide multi-agency collaboration and coordination to seriously emotionally disturbed children and their families. 

Therapeutic Behavioral Services

What is this service:
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) are designed to help children or youth and their parents/caregivers (when available) manage behaviors utilizing short-term, behavioral interventions targeting measurable goals that are based on the child or youth and family’s needs.

Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) Full Service Partnership

The Transitional Age Youth Full Service Partnership program serves youth between the ages of 16-25 of all races and ethnicities. Young adults served include those with serious emotional disturbances/serious mental illness and a chronic history of psychiatric hospitalizations; law enforcement involvement; co-occurring disorders.

Wraparound Services

Wraparound services are based on a “whatever it takes model.”  Services are individualized, strength based and the family and youth/child perspectives are intentionally elicited and prioritized during all phases of the Wraparound process.     

Youth Group Home/Residential Mental Health Services

The Behavioral Health Department provides mental health services to youth who have been placed in residential treatment facilities or group homes in or out of county by the following agencies:

  1. Department of Social Services;
  2. Probation Department;
  3. School Districts, as part of an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Youth Mental Health Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient services include a wide variety of services to children and youth, typically aged 0-18, in the community.  
Please contact our access line at 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment. All services are available in Spanish.

Staff focus on the best practice of partnering with the family in the development of a treatment plan that is: needs driven, strength based, solution focused, and identifies and builds on participant and family strengths. 

Our goal is instilling hope and optimism to assist children and families in developing mastery over their own lives so that they can stay together in their homes, school and community.

Services include:

  • Assessment
  • Treatment Planning
  • Psychotherapy
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Medication Monitoring
  • Psychiatry
  • Case Management

Other programs include:

Cannabis Health and Safety Information

Learn more about cannabis (marijuana) use, health risks, safety considerations, and resources to support a cannabis use disorder.

College Prevention & Wellness

A new program funded by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) to increase on-campus exposure to mental health and wellness promotion through training and activities at both Cal Poly and Cuesta College.

Customer Awareness Response Effort (CARE)- Not for Ourselves Alone

The “Not for Ourselves Alone” Customer Awareness Response Effort (CARE)  Innovation Program funded by Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funds, provides trauma-informed care training across public agencies and programs in the County of San Luis Obispo. The training program offers knowledge, principles and tools to better help customer-service facing staff serve community members experiencing trauma, chronic stress, or mental illness.

Friday Night Live/Club Live/Cal Poly FNL

Friday Night Live (FNL) is California’s leading youth development and substance use prevention program held at participating middle and high schools across San Luis Obispo County. The program also has college-level chapter at Cal Poly. All programs create partnerships for positive and healthy youth development, engage youth as active leaders, and provide opportunities for youth to build skills, knowledge, and attitudes that promote future success. 

May Mental Health Awareness Month

Be Kind To Your Mind. May is Mental Health Awareness Month! We are committed to bringing support and awareness to our community, because mental health matters. 

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Middle School Comprehensive Program

The Middle School Comprehensive project is an integrated collaboration between the Behavioral Health Department, schools, and community based organizations. This program aims to promote emotional wellness and identify students that may be in need of supportive and helpful services.

Opioid Safety Coalition

The County formed the SLO Opioid Safety Coalition in January 2016 to address the local epidemic of opioid (painkiller medication and heroin) misuse with grant funding from the California HealthCare Foundation. The SLO Opioid Safety Coalition has since be funded by the CA Department of Public Heath to address collaborative efforts to reduce the impacts of opioid use countywide. The Coalition utilizes local data to inform programming to raise awareness of opioid misuse, provide community education on overdose prevention and response; and improve access to substance use treatment and harm reduction services.

September Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and is the second leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 15-34 years old. San Luis Obispo County’s suicide rate is well above the State of California’s average. This September, help raise awareness in our community, take a suicide prevention training, or learn how to support those who may be struggling.

Student Support Counseling

The Behavioral Health Department's Prevention and Outreach division provides student support counseling services at schools throughout the County. Referrals into the program are made directly through the school. See the list of participating schools below for more information.

Suicide Prevention

The Suicide Prevention Program oversees organized County activities to prevent suicide as a consequence of mental illness. Programs include public and targeted information campaigns, suicide prevention hotlines, training, and education. The program also leads the Suicide Prevention Council meetings, hosts annual forums, and works close with community partners to better inform equitable suicide prevention efforts.

Veterans Outreach

The Veteran’s Outreach Program provides increased outreach and access to mental health services for veterans, by providing rehabilitative activities and counseling services. The County hosts various physical, rehabilitative activities for veterans and their families throughout the year in various locations. Events are open to all veterans or active military members in San Luis Obispo County. Family members or guests of veterans or active military members may accompany when appropriate.

Veterans Treatment Services

The Behavioral Health Department's Veterans Mental Health Therapist provides individual and group therapy services for veterans and their family members. 

Services may include:

  • Screening, Assessment and Treatment Recommendations
  • Treatment Planning
  • Individual and Group Psychotherapy
  • Access to Psychiatry and Medication services
  • Resource and referral to Veterans benefits services

The Veterans Treatment Program is part of the Mental Health Services Act plan, and provided by the Behavioral Health Department. For more information on Veterans services and benefits, please visit the County's Veterans Services Office page.

Youth Substance Use Treatment Program

The Youth Substance Use Treatment program provides outpatient treatment and counseling services to youth facing substance use disorders.

Our program can also help address additional concerns including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Peer/ social issues
  • Anger management

Whatever your needs, we offer an array of treatment services:

  • Screening
  • Individual Counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Early Intervention
  • Recovery Motivation
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Drug Testing

Ready to start treatment?

Call (800)-838-1381 or (805) 781-4754 or email [email protected] to set up a screening appointment.

To download the Youth Substance Use Treatment Program brochures click here: ENGLISH     SPANISH

Access to Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Services

The Behavioral Health Department operates a toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week, Central Access line to help SLO residents:

  1. Get mental health and substance use disorder services, including assessment
  2. Get mental health and substance use disorder crisis or urgent services
  3. Use the problem resolution and fair hearing processes

Please contact our access line at 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment. All services are available in Spanish.

During regular business hours, Central Access staff are available to schedule first appointments for callers.

Services are available in English, Spanish, and by interpreter in other languages spoken in the community.

Behavioral Health Managed Care

Managed Care performs many authorization and access functions, including: 

  1. Authorization of out-of-county inpatient psychiatric hospitalization
  2. Maintenance of a panel of Network Providers -- licensed therapists in the community who are carefully credentialed to ensure quality and network capacity
  3. Initial authorization of Residential Substance Use Disorder services
  4. Authorization of mental health services for youth in out-of-county placements

Network Provider Resources

Network Providers are licensed providers with private practices in the community who contract with Behavioral Health to serve Medi-Cal beneficiaries. 

Patients' Rights Advocate

The Patients' Rights Advocate helps Medi-Cal beneficiaries and other consumers understand their rights and access problem solving processes. Duties include:

  • Providing written informational materials
  • Advocating for consumers
  • Investigating complaints
  • Monitoring programs to be sure that patients' rights are protected
  • Training providers and consumers about rights
  • Communicating with the State Patients' Rights Program

Quality Support Team

The Quality Support Team (QST) performs a variety of tasks designed to measure and improve the quality of services provided by Behavioral Health. We monitor access and outcome information and work in collaboration with the state Department of Health Care Services to ensure that SLO residents obtain needed mental health and substance use disorder treatment.

Health Agency Contractor and Network Provider Support Page

This is a resource page for contractors and network providers of the County of San Luis Obispo Health Agency.  The contents of this page will help support compliance with HIPAA and other contractual and legal obligations.  For questions about how to use this page, please contact the Compliance Officer at (805) 781-4788.