Sobering Center
The SLO Sobering Center is managed by Good Samaritan and provides short-term sobering and transition services. The Center is a harm reduction facility, certified for withdrawal management services using social model methods. Medication Addiction Treatment (MAT) services are available as needed.The Center strives to divert individuals from jail and potential legal repercussions of minor offenses and will be used to connect them to mental health and substance use treatment services, case management, housing, and other services available in the area.
Funding for the Sobering Center has been provided by CenCal Health, and grant funding from the County's Opioid Settlement Funds.
Behavioral Health Community Action Team
The Behavioral Health Community Action Team (BHCAT) is a partnership with the Sheriff's Office, Paso Robles Police Department and the Atascadero Police Department. Behavioral Health staff are paired with a law enforcement officer with specific mental health training. The provide crisis interventions as well as outreach and engagement for people with mental illness or substance use issues. The CATs team are committed to connecting individuals to treatment and other services in lieu of arrest. The program was initially funded through a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Early Diversion Grant in 2019. Based on the success of the program it has been continued beyond the grant and is funded through MHSA.
Crisis Stabilization Services
SLO County community members needing crisis stabilization may be transferred to the Marian Outpatient Unit in Santa Maria or other nearby counties for services as appropriate. Mental Health Crisis Services are available in SLO County through the following:
- 24/7 Central Coast Hotline- call or text 1-800-783-0607.
- Mobile Crisis Team- 24/7, 365 days a year service. To request a Mobile Crisis response, community members can call the Central Coast Hotline at 1-800-783-0607.
- Sobering Center- Please call 820-280-0415 to check bed availability
- Drug and Alcohol Services walk in clinics are still operating Monday-Friday.
- Crestwood Psychiatric Health Facility- Involuntary 24/7 facility with 5150 referrals only- no walk-ins. 18 years or older only. Call 1-800-838-1381.
Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET)
The Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) provides crisis services at the local hospitals for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Such services are initiated by the hospital staff and include:
- Emergency psychiatric evaluation
- Assessment for appropriate level of care
- Crisis intervention services and mental health support
- Referrals, resources, and peer support advocacy
- Post-crisis follow-up support
The County has partnered with Sierra Mental Wellness Group as its provider of MHET services. Interventions are client oriented, and wellness and recovery-centered, to maximize the ability of the individual to manage the crisis. Additionally, this immediate stabilization response is supplemented with a next day follow-up for non-hospitalized clients to continue support and provide assistance in following through with referrals and appointments.
Mobile Crisis Services
Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime.
Mobile crisis services are available 24/7 for anyone within San Luis Obispo County who is experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis and is at immediate risk of danger and subsequent harm. Such services include but are not limited to:
- De-escalation of a person’s level of distress
- Prevention of a behavioral health crisis
- Reduction of acute symptoms of a mental health condition
- Assessment for appropriate level of care
- Referrals, resources, and peer support advocacy
- Post-crisis follow-up support
The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) provides crisis services to individuals in the community who are experiencing acute distress and require a rapid response and urgent care. The goal is to assist the individual in stabilizing and remaining in their own environment, prevent the need for higher levels of care, and avoid unnecessary emergency department care and law enforcement involvement.
The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. To request an MCT response, call the Central Coast Hotline at 1-800-783-0607.
The Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) provides crisis services at the local hospitals for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Such services are initiated by the hospital staff and include:
- Emergency psychiatric evaluation
- Assessment for appropriate level of care
- Crisis intervention services and mental health support
- Referrals, resources, and peer support advocacy
- Post-crisis follow-up support
If you are experiencing an urgent medical or safety issue, call 9-1-1 for assistance.
Mobile Crisis Team (MCT)
The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) program offers 24/7/365 mobile support to people experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis; meeting them where they are and when they need it. Available countywide and to people of all ages, MCT is an alternative to law enforcement response with teams comprised of behavioral health experts who are trained to respond in the community. The objective of the MCT is to de-escalate crises related to alcohol, drugs, or mental health conditions, that do not involve medical emergencies, weapons, or known threats of violence.
MCT services include but are not limited to:
- Stabilizing the crisis through intervention and de-escalation.
- Providing transportation to their behavioral health services as needed.
- Connecting individuals in crisis to community resources and treatment.
- Coordinating initial treatment services for up to 30 days.
For access to crisis intervention services, please contact the 24/7 Central Coast Hotline: (800) 783-0607.
Trained dispatchers will assess the situation for risk and safety through a series of questions to determine if the MCT or alternative crisis intervention or response services are appropriate.
The County has partnered with Sierra Mental Wellness Group as its provider of MCT services. Interventions are client oriented, and wellness and recovery-centered, to maximize the ability of the individual to manage the crisis. Additionally, this immediate stabilization response is supplemented with a next day follow-up to continue support and provide assistance in following through with referrals and appointments.
Psychiatric Health Facility (Inpatient)
The County of San Luis Obispo supports a 16-bed, licensed Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF). The PHF provides observation and treatment for individuals in psychiatric crisis with acute mental illness under licensed psychiatric direction.
Psychiatric crisis emergency services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1 (800) 838-1381. If you are not in a crisis and need emotional support, please call the Central Coast Hotline at 1 (800) 783-0607.
The PHF is operated by Crestwood Behavioral Health in partnership with the County under a license issued and regulated by the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) as a facility that provides 72 hours of psychiatric evaluation and treatment.