Public Invited to Attend County Budget Hearing Next Week
Author: Administrative Office
Date: 6/8/2018 4:40 PM
Those who attend will hear and be able to comment on a variety of topics, including changes to local libraries, updated airports services, long-term planning for Public Works, the future of local emergency services, and how the County is addressing cybersecurity. Items not heard on Monday will continue to Tuesday at 9 a.m. for discussion.
The County will hold a public hearing next week to discuss the balanced $622.2 million recommended budget for FY 2018-19.
The budget hearing will start on Monday, June 11 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at the County Government Center in downtown San Luis Obispo.
“This is the public’s opportunity to comment on the County’s recommended spending plan for this coming fiscal year,” said County Budget Director Emily Jackson. “County staff worked hard to balance the budget this year and we hope to get input from the people we serve.”
The budget hearing will begin with an overview of the recommended budget. Those who attend will hear and be able to comment on a variety of topics, including changes to local libraries, updated airports services, long-term planning for Public Works, the future of local emergency services, and how the County is addressing cybersecurity. Items not heard on Monday will continue to Tuesday at 9 a.m. for discussion.
On Wednesday at 9 a.m., the public will have the opportunity to comment on the County’s recommended financial contributions to outside agencies, including local nonprofit organizations.
Every June, the Board of Supervisors holds a public budget hearing to review, revise and/or adopt the recommended budget for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. This year’s budget hearing was announced when Jackson introduced the recommended budget to the Board and the public on May 15.
The County earns national recognition each year for its presentation of the budget, which serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device. The County again earned the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award on May 8 from the Government Finance Officer’s Association.