San Luis Obispo County Tobacco Control Grades Drop Due to Lack of Flavor Restrictions
Author: Public Health Department
Date: 1/26/2022 1:46 PM
A report released today evaluates the County's performance on policies for smokefree outdoor environments, housing, and reducing sales of tobacco products.
Update (Jan. 27, 2022): Despite the low grades in the sales restriction category of yesterday's American Lung Association (ALA) report, the City of Arroyo Grande, City of Morro Bay, and the City and County of San Luis Obispo have enacted strong ordinances which ban electronic smoking devices—including flavored devices. Accordingly, we asked the American Lung Association (ALA) for reconsideration and can now announce that the ALA has modified their report to give the County and the Cities of San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande credit for enacting bans on electronic smoking devices, including flavored devices.
In addition to these positive steps in the form of banning electronic smoking devices, we have seen important efforts countywide such as connecting residents with resources to help quit tobacco. We all want our community to be a safe, healthy place for the next generation and reports like this help identify ways we can all continue working to create the healthiest possible environments. For anyone who would like to be involved in the effort to protect kids from the harms of vaping, we encourage you to contact the Tobacco Control Coalition or attend one of our upcoming meetings. Learn more at www.tobaccofreeslo.org. For anyone who would like resources to help quit tobacco, visit kickitca.org.
San Luis Obispo, CA — Today, a report by the American Lung Association was released in which San Luis Obispo County received lower grades than in previous years because local jurisdictions have not adopted sales restrictions on flavored tobacco products.
“Tobacco use is a primary cause of preventable death and disease in this country,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. “It is concerning that the multitude of flavored electronic cigarettes and vapes are attracting a whole new generation that may have never smoked before.”
The American Lung Association added the sales restriction category in this year’s report to shine light on the role that flavors play in attracting youth to tobacco. Every city in the County except Morro Bay received an “F” in this particular category. Despite passing a flavors restriction, Morro Bay received a “D” because the policy exempted menthol-flavored products.
“This report underscores a local need to protect our youth from fun-sounding tobacco flavors—like ‘bubble gum’ and ‘blue razz’,” said Tobacco Control Coalition Chair, Professor Julia Alber. “Adding flavors masks the natural harshness, making it easier to smoke and easier to become addicted.”
According to State data, 96% of high school students who vape use flavored products. Local data from the 2019-2020 California Healthy Kids Survey shows 35% of the County’s 11th graders have tried vaping.
Today’s report also provides grades, A-F, on other policy categories such as licensing for tobacco retailers, smokefree multi-unit housing, smokefree outdoor air, and other tobacco control policies. This year’s report from the American Lung Association marks 20 years of evaluating city, county, and state performance on tobacco control policies that researchers determine to be instrumental in supporting public health.
To read the full State of Tobacco Control 2022 report, visit www.lung.org/research/sotc/state-grades/california. For more information or details on the local grades, contact The Tobacco Control Program at [email protected] or 805-781-4305.
Caen las calificaciones del control del tabaco en el condado de San Luis Obispo debido a la falta de restricciones de sabor
San Luis Obispo, CA — Hoy, se publicó un informe de la American Lung Association en el que el condado de San Luis Obispo recibió calificaciones más bajas que en años anteriores porque las jurisdicciones locales no han adoptado restricciones de venta de productos de tabaco con sabor.
“El consumo de tabaco es una de las causas principales de muertes y enfermedades prevenibles en este país”, dijo la Dra. Penny Borenstein, funcionaria de salud del condado. “Es preocupante que la multitud de cigarrillos electrónicos y vaporizadores con sabores esté atrayendo a toda una nueva generación que tal vez nunca haya fumado antes”.
La American Lung Association agregó la categoría de restricción de ventas en el informe de este año para arrojar luz sobre el papel que juegan los sabores para atraer a los jóvenes al tabaco. Todas las ciudades del condado, excepto Morro Bay, recibieron una "F" en esta categoría en particular. A pesar de aprobar una restricción de sabores, Morro Bay recibió una "D" porque la política eximía a los productos con sabor a mentol.
"Este informe subraya la necesidad local de proteger a los niños de los sabores de tabaco que suenan divertidos, como 'bubblegum' y 'blue razz'", dijo la presidenta de la Coalición para el Control del Tabaco, la profesora Julia Alber. “Agregar sabores enmascara la aspereza natural, lo que hace que sea más fácil fumar y convertirse en adicto”.
Según datos estatales, el 96% de los estudiantes de secundaria que vapean usan productos con sabor. Los datos locales de la Encuesta de Niños Saludables de California 2019-2020 muestran que el 35 % de los estudiantes de 11º grado del condado han probado el vapeo.
El informe de hoy también proporciona calificaciones, A-F, en otras categorías de políticas, como licencias para minoristas de tabaco, viviendas de unidades múltiples libres de humo, aire libre sin humo y otras políticas de control del tabaco. El informe de este año de la American Lung Association marca 20 años de evaluación del desempeño de las ciudades, los condados y los estados en las políticas de control del tabaco que los investigadores determinan que son fundamentales para apoyar la salud pública.
Para leer el informe completo Estado del control del tabaco 2022, visite www.lung.org/research/sotc/state-grades/california. Para obtener más información o detalles sobre las calificaciones locales, comuníquese con el Programa de Control del Tabaco en [email protected] o al 805-781-4305.