Board Unanimously Approves Hiring of New County Administrative Officer
Author: Jeanette Trompeter
Date: 4/23/2024 2:27 PM
The Board of Supervisors this morning unanimously approved the contract for Matt Pontes as the County’s New County Administrative Officer. He will start work next Monday, April 29th.
Pontes was chosen after an extensive nationwide search. Board members said his extensive background in county leadership and his understanding of our community, its challenges, and the solutions he offered made him the top choice for the role.
“He is widely respected by county leaders all over this state for a long career, serving counties,” Supervisor Bruce Gibson said before the Board voted on Mr. Pontes contract. “He also has tremendous, personal skills at connecting with people. We’re going to see a blossoming of our organization and by extension, our ability to serve our 280-some thousand constituents.”
Pontes is a Cal Poly graduate with county administrative experience in Shasta and Santa Barbara Counties as well as service in Kern County. He was also the Director of Wildfire and Forest Ecology at Sierra Pacific Industries where he worked with multiple agencies to combat destructive wildfires and safeguard ecosystems across California, Oregon, and Washington.
Pontes earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry and Natural Resources from Cal Poly, specializing in wildfire and sustainable land management practices.
“We want to extend our most heartfelt welcome to the new County Administrative Officer Matt Pontes,” said Courtney Kienow on behalf of Cal Poly President Jeffrey D. Armstrong. “We’re enthusiastic and optimistic about his role, especially since he’s a Cal Poly alum and opportunities for the university and County to deepen our collaborative efforts in the future.”
Mr. Pontes says he is appreciative of the Board’s support and is eager to begin serving a community he feels invested in and connected to. “We must work together to address issues such as homelessness, affordable housing, infrastructure and our long-term financial stability,’ he said. “I am confident as work cooperatively as a countywide community, we can tackle them all successfully. I can’t wait to start on Monday.”