Prevention and Outreach Services

Cannabis Health and Safety Information

Learn more about cannabis (marijuana) use, health risks, safety considerations, and resources to support a cannabis use disorder.

College Prevention & Wellness

A new program funded by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) to increase on-campus exposure to mental health and wellness promotion through training and activities at both Cal Poly and Cuesta College.

Customer Awareness Response Effort (CARE)- Not for Ourselves Alone

The “Not for Ourselves Alone” Customer Awareness Response Effort (CARE)  Innovation Program funded by Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funds, provides trauma-informed care training across public agencies and programs in the County of San Luis Obispo. The training program offers knowledge, principles and tools to better help customer-service facing staff serve community members experiencing trauma, chronic stress, or mental illness.

Friday Night Live/Club Live/Cal Poly FNL

Friday Night Live (FNL) is California’s leading youth development and substance use prevention program held at participating middle and high schools across San Luis Obispo County. The program also has college-level chapter at Cal Poly. All programs create partnerships for positive and healthy youth development, engage youth as active leaders, and provide opportunities for youth to build skills, knowledge, and attitudes that promote future success. 

May Mental Health Awareness Month

Be Kind To Your Mind. May is Mental Health Awareness Month! We are committed to bringing support and awareness to our community, because mental health matters. 

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Middle School Comprehensive Program

The Middle School Comprehensive project is an integrated collaboration between the Behavioral Health Department, schools, and community based organizations. This program aims to promote emotional wellness and identify students that may be in need of supportive and helpful services.

Opioid Safety Coalition

The County formed the SLO Opioid Safety Coalition in January 2016 to address the local epidemic of opioid (painkiller medication and heroin) misuse with grant funding from the California HealthCare Foundation. The SLO Opioid Safety Coalition has since be funded by the CA Department of Public Heath to address collaborative efforts to reduce the impacts of opioid use countywide. The Coalition utilizes local data to inform programming to raise awareness of opioid misuse, provide community education on overdose prevention and response; and improve access to substance use treatment and harm reduction services.

Residential Wellness Counseling Program

This Federally funded grant program is aimed at providing local college campuses with early intervention resources to address students at risk of or experiencing First Episode Psychosis (FEP).

September Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and is the second leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 15-34 years old. San Luis Obispo County’s suicide rate is well above the State of California’s average. This September, help raise awareness in our community, take a suicide prevention training, or learn how to support those who may be struggling.

Student Support Counseling

The Behavioral Health Department's Prevention and Outreach division provides student support counseling services at schools throughout the County. Referrals into the program are made directly through the school. See the list of participating schools below for more information.

Suicide Prevention

The Suicide Prevention Program oversees organized County activities to prevent suicide as a consequence of mental illness. Programs include public and targeted information campaigns, suicide prevention hotlines, training, and education. The program also leads the Suicide Prevention Council meetings, hosts annual forums, and works close with community partners to better inform equitable suicide prevention efforts.

Veterans Outreach

The Veteran’s Outreach Program provides increased outreach and access to mental health services for veterans, by providing rehabilitative activities and counseling services. The County hosts various physical, rehabilitative activities for veterans and their families throughout the year in various locations. Events are open to all veterans or active military members in San Luis Obispo County. Family members or guests of veterans or active military members may accompany when appropriate.

Veterans Treatment Services

The Behavioral Health Department's Veterans Mental Health Therapist provides individual and group therapy services for veterans and their family members. 

Services may include:

  • Screening, Assessment and Treatment Recommendations
  • Treatment Planning
  • Individual and Group Psychotherapy
  • Access to Psychiatry and Medication services
  • Resource and referral to Veterans benefits services

The Veterans Treatment Program is part of the Mental Health Services Act plan, and provided by the Behavioral Health Department. For more information on Veterans services and benefits, please visit the County's Veterans Services Office page.

Youth Substance Use Treatment Program

The Youth Substance Use Treatment program provides outpatient treatment and counseling services to youth facing substance use disorders.

Our program can also help address additional concerns including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Peer/ social issues
  • Anger management

Whatever your needs, we offer an array of treatment services:

  • Screening
  • Individual Counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Early Intervention
  • Recovery Motivation
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Drug Testing

Ready to start treatment?

Call (800)-838-1381 or (805) 781-4754 or email [email protected] to set up a screening appointment.

To download the Youth Substance Use Treatment Program brochures click here: ENGLISH     SPANISH