Installation of New Streetlights in Los Osos and Nipomo
Author: Public Works
Date: 9/24/2021 9:44 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will install new streetlights and associated improvements at various locations in Los Osos, and Nipomo.
Work is tentatively scheduled to start on September 29, 2021 and conclude by January 2022 dependent upon weather.
The following locations were prioritized to increase safety to the travelling public, pedestrians, and bicyclists. New streetlights will be installed at the following locations:
Los Osos
- Los Osos Valley Road and Alexander Avenue
- Los Osos Valley Road and Pine Avenue
- Los Osos Valley Road and Broderson Avenue
- Los Osos Valley Road and Ravenna Avenue
- Pomeroy Road and Primrose Lane
- Pomeroy Road and Juniper Street
- Pomeroy Road and Camino Caballo
- Pomeroy Road and Inga Road
- Pomeroy Road and Sandydale Drive
- Thompson Avenue between Day Street and Willow Road
For the safety of the public and workers, road shoulders will be closed adjacent to construction activities during work hours. Additional temporary traffic control measures including any combination of flagging, lane shifts, or lane closures may be necessary. Motorist are advised to adjust their travel plans and consider alternative routes. Please refer to the attached maps for the project locations.
Underground Specialties Central Coast, Inc. of Templeton, CA has been awarded the contract for $295,650 to perform the work. The project is funded by the Federal Highway Administration’s Highway Safety Improvement Program, and County Road Fund.
For more information, please contact Michael Boyce at (805) 781-5264.