Oak Woodland Tree Removal Request

What is the process?

Step 1: Complete an Oak Woodland Tree Removal Form

Complete an Oak Woodland Tree Removal Form.


FAQs can be found at the end of this page.

Step 2: Site Plan

Provide a Site Plan that shows:

  • Acreage of oak woodland onsite, and
  • Acreage of oak woodland to be removed 

Step 3: Apply Online

Please apply for a harzardous tree removal request through the online service PermitSLO.

  1. Click the PermitSLO link here: Tree Oak Woodland Tree Removal Request
  2. Click Apply
  3. Follow step-by-step instructions.
  4. Upload the required form and site plan before submitting.


Planning staff will look over the application submittal package and may contact the primary contact with any questions. 

Step 4: Pay Invoice

Planning staff will email the billing contact an invoice. Pay invoice here*.

Once the invoice is paid, the project review timeline will begin.

Please note for all Planning and Building applications, after 15 days of non-payment of invoice, the application will be voided and resubmittal will be required.


Step 5: Review by Planning Staff

Planning staff reviews the application for consistency with the oak woodland ordinance.

Step 6: Reach Decision

Planning staff will contact applicant when decision is met.

Who can use this service?

Anyone can use this service.

Is there a charge for this service?

Please refer to the Department of Planning & Building Fee Schedule for application fees.


When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.

Frequently Asked Questions

PermitSLO Portal


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