Six More San Luis Obispo County Community Members Die from COVID-19
Author: Public Health
Date: 11/2/2021 1:44 PM
The County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department today announced that six additional community members—ranging in age from their 50s to 90s—have died from COVID-19, bringing the total number of community members who have died from COVID-19 to 349.
Disclaimer: This information may be outdated. For the most recent guidance and case details, visit SLOPublicHealth.org/covid19.
San Luis Obispo, CA—The County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department today announced that six additional community members—ranging in age from their 50s to 90s—have died from COVID-19, bringing the total number of community members who have died from COVID-19 to 349.
“All of us at Public Health are deeply saddened by these additional deaths and our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and loved ones,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. “These deaths are a tragic and sobering reminder that COVID-19 is still negatively impacting us in San Luis Obispo County.”
Since Friday, San Luis Obispo County has added 117 new cases of COVID-19 with 25 residents currently hospitalized for severe COVID-19 complication. 6 community members are in the intensive care unit. This brings the number of new COVID-19 cases over the last week to 294 and the 14-day daily average to 41.
“With the holiday season fast approaching and COVID-19 showing no signs of letting up, we strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated in order to protect our schools, hospitals, businesses, and communities,” said Dr. Borenstein. “If you are eligible for a booster or third dose of the vaccine, we encourage you to get the added protection that these safe and effective vaccines provide.”
Of those eligible to receive the vaccine in San Luis Obispo County, 73.1% have received at least one dose, and 66.4% are fully vaccinated.
Vaccines are widely available at no cost at pharmacies, doctors’ offices, Public Health Department clinics, and mobile clinics countywide. To get your COVID-19 vaccine at a Public Health clinic in Grover Beach, Paso Robles, or San Luis Obispo, visit myturn.ca.gov or call (833) 422-4255 to choose your location, time, and vaccine type. See hours and pop-up clinics at www.RecoverSLO.org/Vaccine. To find other vaccine providers, visit myturn.ca.gov or VaccineFinder.org.
For updates on COVID-19 in SLO County, visit ReadySLO.org or call the recorded Public Health Information Line at (805) 788-2903. Phone assistance is available at (805) 781-5500 Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information on COVID-19 vaccine, visit www.RecoverSLO.org/Vaccine.
Oficiales de salud informan seis muertes adicionales por COVID-19
San Luis Obispo, CA—El Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de San Luis Obispo informó hoy que 6 miembros de la comunidad más han muerto a causa del COVID-19 y tenían entre 50 y 90 años. Esto eleva el número total de miembros de la comunidad que han muerto a causa de COVID-19 a 349.
“Con estas muertes adicionales que informar, nuestros corazones están con nuestros vecinos que han perdido a sus seres queridos por la pandemia de COVID-19”, dijo la Dra. Penny Borenstein, Oficial de Salud del Condado. "Estas muertes son un doloroso recordatorio de que COVID-19 puede ser una enfermedad devastadora".
Desde el viernes, el condado de San Luis Obispo ha agregado 117 nuevos casos de COVID-19. Actualmente, 25 residentes están hospitalizados por complicaciones graves de COVID-19, incluidos 6 en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Esto eleva el número de casos nuevos durante la última semana a 294 y el promedio diario de 14 días a 41.
“Con la temporada navideña acercándose rápidamente y el COVID-19 no muestra signos de disminuir, recomendamos encarecidamente a todos que se vacunen para proteger nuestras escuelas, hospitales, empresas y comunidades”, dijo la Dra. Borenstein. "Si es elegible para un refuerzo o una tercera dosis de la vacuna, lo alentamos a obtener la protección adicional que brindan estas vacunas seguras y efectivas".
De las personas elegibles para recibir la vacuna en el condado de San Luis Obispo, el 73.1% ha recibido al menos una dosis y el 66.4% están completamente vacunados.
Las vacunas están ampliamente disponibles sin costo en farmacias, consultorios médicos, clínicas del Departamento de Salud Pública y clínicas móviles de todo el Condado. Para obtener su vacuna COVID-19 en una clínica de salud pública en Grover Beach, Paso Robles o San Luis Obispo, visite myturn.ca.gov o llame al (833) 422-4255 para elegir su sitio, hora y tipo de vacuna. Consulte los horarios y las clínicas emergentes en www.RecoverSLO.org/Vaccine. Para encontrar otros proveedores de vacunas, visite www.MyTurn.ca.gov o www.VaccineFinder.org.
Para obtener noticias sobre COVID-19 en el condado de SLO, visite ReadySLO.org o llame a la Línea de información de salud pública registrada al (805) 788-2903. La asistencia telefónica está disponible en el (805) 781-5500 de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. Para obtener más información sobre la vacuna COVID-19, visite www.RecoverSLO.org/Vacuna