City of Morro Bay Closure of South Bay Boulevard Between Los Osos and Morro Bay AUGUST 13-18, 2023
Author: Public Works
Date: 8/8/2023 4:24 PM
MORRO BAY AND LOS OSOS – Roadway and shoulder construction work is scheduled to begin on the night of Sunday, August 13 continuing through Friday August 18, on South Bay Boulevard.
The work area is between Quintana Road and the City Limits. South Bay Boulevard will be closed in both directions from Quintana Road to Turri Road (near Los Osos) overnight between the hours of 7pm – 6am from August 13 to the morning of August 16. From the evening of August 16 through August 18, the road will be open with alternating one-way traffic maintained by flaggers between the hours of 7pm – 6am with delays. No work is scheduled to be performed during the daytime hours.
For exact location, please refer to the vicinity map.
Emergency work resulting from the March storm that washed out the road shoulder in several locations will be performed as well as necessary pavement rehabilitation work that has been delayed from earlier in the year due to excessive rain.
For more information, please contact Eric Riddiough, Morro Bay City Engineer at (805) 772-6569.