Supervisors Award F&H Construction $33.3 Million Contract to Build New Probation Building
Author: Public Works
Date: 1/25/2023 9:49 AM
SAN LUIS OBISPO – The County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the award of a $33,296,693 contract to F&H Construction of Lodi, Calif. to design and build the new Probation Department Building.
The new facility will be approximately 30,000 square feet and located near the current facility on Bishop Street in San Luis Obispo, referred to as Casa Loma. Today’s action authorized the start of final design with construction to follow. The design and permitting process should take minimum of about nine months, so the project is expected to break ground in early 2024.
“County staff, consultants, and F&H Construction, the design-build entity selected to work on this project, are excited to be part of this and will make sure the project is delivered successfully,” said Robert Ruiz, County of San Luis Obispo Project Delivery Division Manager. “It will be built to meet quality standards including energy efficient, security, and technology features to allow the Probation Department to serve this county for decades to come.”
The new building will replace the Probation Department’s main office, Casa Loma, in San Luis Obispo on Bishop Street. The Casa Loma facility, built in 1940, needs constant repair, is short on space, and is ill-suited for today’s Probation Department needs. Please see attached map for the project location.
“I am very appreciative of the Board of Supervisors’ support for the new probation building,” said Robert Reyes, County of San Luis Obispo Chief Probation Officer. “The new building will address long-time needs for employees and allow the department to better serve the community and more effectively deliver probation services to the justice-involved population. I also want to thank the Public Works Department and Administrative Office for their commitment and support to the project.”
Below are conceptual, not final, architect renderings of the new probation facility.