Temporary Storm Drain Repair at Oak Shores Wastewater Treatment Plant
Author: Public Works
Date: 11/2/2023 10:22 AM
BRADLEY, CA – MID NOVEMBER – The Public Works Department will perform needed storm drain system repairs ahead of the upcoming rainy season.
County Service Area 7A (CSA 7A) has contracted with Edwards Construction Company to install a storm drain system at the Oak Shores Wastewater Treatment Plant after last winter’s storm caused extensive damage to the existing system. This project will create a new open channel storm drain system to help prevent further damage and erosion.
The project is expected to begin in mid-November and should take approximately 6 weeks to complete. The hours of operation will be 7 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Residents in proximity to the plant may temporarily experience some noise and dust. Approximately 8-10 large trucks will be used daily to haul materials on and off site. Best Management Practices will be used to mitigate dust and sound. Please refer to the attached map for project location.
For more information, please contact Program Manager Laura Holder at (805) 781-5135 or [email protected].