Commencing Construction Work on the Hacienda Waterline Replacement Project
Author: Jimmy Tomac
Date: 1/11/2024 1:34 PM
CAYUCOS, CA - The Hacienda Drive Water Main Replacement Project, which supports the goal of providing customers with reliable, efficient, high-quality water service by reducing waterline breaks and overall system water losses, is scheduled to begin Tuesday, January 16, 2024, and will continue through April 2024.
Work will take place along Hacienda Drive from the Ocean Boulevard intersection to the north end of Hacienda Drive and will involve replacing and relocating approximately 1,750 feet of 6-inch AC pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe and relocating the pipeline to the northwest side of the road. The contract was awarded to Hartzell General Engineering, Inc. for $845,020.
The pipeline conveys water to and from two 220,000-gallon storage tanks and provides equalization, emergency, and fire protection storage. Over the last few years, more than 50% of emergency repairs (157 staff labor hours) have been due to system leaks and pipeline breaks that occurred along Hacienda Drive. These breaks contributed to an average of 28% of total annual water losses, exceeding the acceptable 10-15% range. Last spring, three separate pipeline breaks occurred along Hacienda Drive causing water service interruptions and issuance of boil water notices to the affected residents.
Access to residences (for a portion of the project) will be limited during working hours Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Contractor will provide door hangers and notifications to residents prior to road closures and water service interruptions. Street parking and vehicle access to Hang Glider Hill will be unavailable during working hours and throughout the project.
For more information, please contact Jimmy Tomac, Engineer IV at (805) 781-4476 or [email protected].