New e-Course from Talkspace
Author: County Benefits
Date: 4/15/2021 9:02 AM
10 Day Therapists Guide to Covid 19
As we reflect on the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that many people around the world have been struggling with these difficult and uncertain times. While the road ahead may still have its challenges, we invite the opportunity to begin a process of healing. Talkspace is offering a 10-day Therapists Guide to Healing e-course that is available for all employees. Here you’ll learn evidenced-based and clinically-backed lessons and practices to help begin cultivating change and a sense of restoration.
Click here to access the 10 day course.
Talkspace is a text-based therapy platform available for absolutely no cost to all County employees and their dependent age 13 or older enrolled in a County Medical Plan by registering at talkspace.com/slo. Enter “San Luis Obispo” as the organization name when prompted. Talkspace communication is confidential and secure. The platform is designed to connect you with a therapist the same day you create your account. The County of San Luis Obispo will never know who uses the service or for what purpose.
For questions about Talkspace, email [email protected]