Safely Returning to Regular Work Locations
Author: Human Resources
Date: 6/3/2020 10:29 AM
Your Safety is Our Priority
Your Safety is Our Priority
As shelter-at-home restrictions are relaxed, our County’s services are also being restored. While some staff will continue to work from home, some of you will return to work at your regular workplace either out of choice or necessity. As we reopen our workplaces, your health and safety remain our priority.
Rest assured, the County Safety Team is working hard with all Departments to provide a safe environment in accordance with guidance from subject matter experts including our County’s Public Health Department, the CDC, OSHA, and the CA Department of Public Health.
Safety Precautions
It is important that we continue to take precautions to protect ourselves and our families. Here are some of the steps we are taking:
Physical Distancing – steps we are taking to maintain 6 feet of distance between workers and patrons
- Limiting employees in the workplace: we continue to encourage telework, staggering of shifts, providing online services, and providing service by appointment. Reducing the number of employees in our workplaces allows us to more easily maintain safe distance from one another.
- Minimizing gatherings. Meeting room and elevator occupancies are restricted, and many meetings are held virtually.
- For employees over 65 and/or medically vulnerable, we continue to encourage telework and make other accommodations.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- An inventory and supply chain of PPE is in place so that employees have access to the appropriate protective equipment for their work.
- Frequent cleaning of common touch areas. The high-touch surfaces in our common areas will be sanitized throughout the workday, and you will have materials to sanitize your work area during the day.
- Hand sanitizer will be readily available in all occupied work areas.
- Protective procedures in the event positive case in our facilities. Public Health and County Safety will temporarily close the affected areas and have them sanitized. Public Health will perform contact tracing to identify and quarantine potentially contagious employees, vendors, and/or patrons.
Health Monitoring
- The County is asking all employers to provide temperature and/or symptom screenings for all workers at the beginning of their shift. This is consistent with guidance from the California Department of Public Health, OSHA and CDC guidance. For County locations, this will include the following:
- Daily health screening. Employees reporting to a regular workplace will answer questions to identify anyone with symptoms before they start their shift. Symptomatic employees will not be allowed in the workplace. Sick employees are encouraged to stay home and alert the Department of Public Health if they are experiencing COVID related symptoms.
Facility Adjustments
- Plexiglass barriers for places where patrons regularly interact with employees.
Resources (click links below for more info)
- Your management team
- Your Department Safety Rep
- County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Health
- Employee COVID 19 Information & Reopening Together Toolkit
- readyslo.org
- HR – Countywide Safety
Please let us (HR - Countywide Safety) or your Safety Rep know if you have questions or concerns that remain unanswered.
Moving Forward Together
We will provide more information to you via email and on our websites, and will be in contact with your respective Safety Representative as we learn more and receive guidance from our County’s Public Health Department, the CDC, OSHA, and the CA Department of Public Health. Our guidance will evolve as the situation evolves.
The County appreciates your contributions throughout this crisis response. You have been called to duty while many have been asked to shelter-at-home. As we move forward, we will continue to take precautions to protect you and your families.