Kansas and Oklahoma Avenue Waterline
Author: Public Works
Date: 6/15/2017 12:00 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will begin construction of the Kansas and Oklahoma Avenue Waterline Improvement Project at the County Operations Center, near San Luis Obispo. Work is scheduled to begin the week of June 12, 2017 and continue through September 2017.
The project consists of construction of a new water system loop between the Juvenile Services Center and the intersection of Kansas and Oklahoma Avenues. The project will increase the water supply to meet California Fire Code requirements at existing fire hydrants, improve water circulation for the Operations Center area, and provide sufficient water pressure to serve the new Animal Shelter facility.
Access to all County Operations Center facilities will remain open during construction. For the safety of the public and workers, a minimum of one lane of traffic will be open to the public. Motorists are advised to allow more time for travel.
All impacted water customers will be notified in advance of any water disruptions.
John Madonna Construction Co., Inc. of San Luis Obispo has been awarded the contract for $83,665 to perform the work. The project is funded from the County of San Luis Obispo General Fund.
For more information, please contact Public Works Resident Engineer, Brian Uder at (805) 788-2931.