Left Turn Lane on Nacimiento Lake Drive at Adelaida Road in Paso Robles
Author: Public Works
Date: 7/6/2017 12:00 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will begin construction to install a Left Turn Lane on Nacimiento Lake Drive at Adelaida Road in Paso Robles.
Work is scheduled to start on July 10, 2017 and continue into early September 2017.
The project includes widening of the paved roadway and associated grading to accommodate a westbound left turn lane, along with other miscellaneous drainage improvement. This project will improve road safety for all users.
For the safety of the public and workers, a minimum of one lane of traffic will be opened to the public with approximately 10 minute delays possible. Motorists are advised to adjust their travel plans and consider alternative routes.
Viborg Sand and Gravel, Inc. of Paso Robles has been awarded the contract for $236,573 to perform the work. The project is funded by Road Improvement Fees collected in the Nacimiento Area, Fair Share Project Contributions from area development, and Road Funds.
For more information, please contact Michael Boyce at (805) 781-5264.