SLO Veteran's Hall Parking Lot Improvements
Author: JR Beard
Date: 11/28/2017 8:09 AM
Public Works will resurface the parking lot, provide new striping and introduce storm water management elements to the existing parking lot.
SLO VETERAN’S HALL PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS – November 28, 2017 – The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works announces the San Luis Obispo Veteran’s Hall located at 801 Grand Avenue, will be receiving parking lot improvements with work scheduled through January 9, 2018. The work will resurface the parking lot and provide new striping as well as introduce storm water management elements to existing lot. The work will be performed by JG Contracting, a licensed general contractor, based in Nipomo, California.
During this operation, partial closure of the parking lot will be necessary throughout the duration of construction, with full closure December 25, 2017 through January 2, 2018. Hours of work will be from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, each weekday.
Completion of this work will extend the life of the parking lot pavement, improve ADA access, and provide for a safer environment for those utilizing the facilities.
If you have any questions regarding project construction please contact JR Beard at (805) 781-4073, or for planned events, contact Susan Freebourn at (805) 781-5901.