UPDATE: Shandon Water System - Boil Water Notice Extended
Author: Public Works
Date: 12/21/2017 4:55 PM
The Boil Water Notice issued on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 for the Shandon water system is still in effect.
Testing indicated no bacteriological contamination in the system; however, the turbidity (clarity) of the water is still elevated. The County is committed to ensuring that an adequate quantity of clean, wholesome, and potable water is delivered to you. Flushing and testing of the water will continue until the water meets all drinking water standards and is safe to use for drinking and cooking purposes.
The County Department of Public Works wishes to thank the citizens of Shandon for their patience and understanding during this situation. Further, the Department reminds all persons who may excavating or otherwise working around water lines to follow all construction protocols and precautions.
For questions please contact:
Public Works Water Systems Superintendent Mark Chiaramonte at 835-1597
Faith Zenker, Water Quality Laboratory Manager at 781-5111
Mark Hutchinson, Deputy Director at 781-5458