Road Construction Roadway Slope Embankment Repair at Alamo Creek Road
Author: Public Works
Date: 12/20/2018 3:24 PM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will be performing roadway slope repair at Alamo Creek Road off State Highway 166. Work will begin Wednesday, December 26, 2018, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Work will continue into mid-January, dependent upon the weather. The work will remove a failed slope embankment and reconstruct the slope with a new paved roadway.
For the safety of the public and the workers, traffic on Alamo Creek Road will be subject to detours or one-way controls with flaggers as required for each phase of the work. Delays are expected to be up to 10 minutes during major operations. Motorists are advised to adjust their travel plans due to delays and consider alternative routes. Please refer to the map for specific locations.
Raminha Construction, Inc. of Atascadero, has been awarded the contract in the amount of $58,798.00, to perform the work. Road damage was due to a series of storms which occurred January through March 2017. The project is funded by San Luis Obispo County Road Maintenance funds and is partially reimbursed by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
For more information, please feel free to contact Rachel Naccarati at (805) 781-5269. The work will remove a failed slope embankment and reconstruct the slope with a new paved roadway.