Clouds at the top of 46 West. Photo by Rianna Baldwin.
Emergency Repair Work on Santa Rosa Creek Road
Author: Public Works
Date: 5/4/2018 3:04 PM
Due to storm damage occurring in March 2018, the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will begin emergency slope and bank repairs on Santa Rosa Creek Road, approximately 5 miles east of Cambria.
County staff is working with the necessary outside resource agencies to obtain emergency permits. Work is scheduled to begin on Monday, May 7, 2018 and is expected to continue for approximately three weeks.
Santa Rosa Creek Road will be restricted to single lane passage in the road repair area. County crews will provide traffic control to ensure the safety of the traveling public. Travelers are advised to consider alternative routes.
Significant bank erosion and subsequent road failure initially occurred at the site due to storms in late 2017. County staff had worked to realign the roadway from the adjoining creek, but continued stream flow this winter has caused further erosion. The relocation of the roadway was approved and funded by FEMA. Additional follow-up work to stabilize the slope below the relocated segment of road is required to preserve the roadway.
For more information, please feel free to contact Genaro Diaz (805) 781-5279.