Santa Maria Groundwater Basin Study Public Meeting
Author: Public Works
Date: 2/16/2018 10:43 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works invites the public and interested community members to attend a presentation on the findings of a groundwater basin characterization and boundary modification study of the Non-Adjudicated Portions (i.e., “Fringe Areas”) of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin.
Two dates and times are provided for the public and stakeholders’ convenience; the same content will be presented at both meetings. Stakeholders are welcome to attend either meeting, although it is not required to attend both. The adjudicated area covers a majority of the Santa Maria Basin, however, there are multiple “Fringe Areas” located outside of the adjudicated area in both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. These “Fringe Areas” are required to comply with the State law guiding groundwater management (the “Sustainable Groundwater Management Act”).
Meeting Information:
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Nipomo High School (Forum Building)
525 N. Thompson Avenue
Nipomo, CA
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
South County Regional Center
800 W Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA
The primary goals of this meeting are to provide information to and seek feedback from stakeholders on the following topics:
• Key findings of the groundwater basin “fringe area” characterization of the geology and hydrology
• Potential basin boundary modification options in the “Fringe Areas”
Please visit the following link: www.slocountywater.org/sgma/ to find out whether or not your land is within one of the “Fringe Areas” on an interactive map. A public draft of the Santa Maria Basin Fringe Area characterization study will be made available to view by February 23, 2018. Public comment and feedback will be accepted until March 21, 2018. Please feel free to sign up for the SGMA and/or Santa Maria Basin email list at the above web page, to receive future updates on the Groundwater Sustainability Agency activities and meetings.