Avila Beach Drive Bridge Seismic Retrofit in Avila Beach, Ca
Author: Public Works
Date: 11/21/2018 4:06 PM
Work continues on retrofitting the existing bridge over San Luis Creek.
Up to this point, all of the work has been on the construction of the seismic retrofit elements under the bridge. Construction activities on the roadway and surface of the existing Avila Beach Drive Bridge over San Luis Obispo Creek will commence the week of December 3, 2018.
The seismic retrofit elements on the surface of the bridge and in roadway include:
• Excavation at both ends of bridge for new seismic anchors
• New concrete approach slab at east end of bridge
• Removal of existing asphalt surface on the bridge and replacement with a polyester concrete overlay
Work in the roadway will occur only during weekdays between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. with single-lane closures anticipating maximum 10-minute delays for motorists. Bicycle and pedestrian traffic will be maintained at all times during construction.
The County of San Luis Obispo awarded Souza Construction the construction contract for $1,757,317 in June 2018. Souza began work on the project on August 8, 2018. Souza Construction will conclude their work under the bridge and will start their retrofit work on the bridge in December.
The bridge was built in 1967 providing the only public access road to Port San Luis and Diablo Canyon Power Plant. A subsequent PG&E evacuation study identified this bridge as a potential concern and without these improvements is subject to damage during an earthquake. The seismic retrofit will assure the evacuation route and upgrade the bridge to current codes.
The project is funded by the Federal Highway Administration via grant funding administered by the Caltrans Highway Bridge Program.
For more information, please contact Matt Reinhart at (805) 781-5262.