UPDATE 2017-18 Surface Treatment Construction on Main Street and Burton Drive in Cambria
Author: Public Works
Date: 7/2/2018 10:07 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will continue into the next phase of resurfacing various roads in Cambria.
The work, beginning July 9, 2018, will include placing an asphalt slurry seal on the roadway and re-striping. The location of construction will be on Main Street in the West Village, on Burton Drive starting at Highway 1 and ending at Eton Road, and on Main Street from Bridge Street to Santa Rosa Creek Road. This project is part of the County’s annual pavement management program and will extend the life of the pavement.
Access to businesses will remain open at all times. For the safety of public and the workers, traffic will be reduced to one-way controls with flaggers. The work is expected to be performed during regular working hours and be completed on July 11, 2018. Please refer to the map side for specific locations.
The work is required to maintain the pavement integrity to avoid costly repairs in the future and to provide safe roads. The project is funded by the County of San Luis Obispo’s General Fund contributions to the Road Pavement Management Program.
Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. has been awarded the contract for $2,177,607 to perform the work.
For more information, please feel free to contact Pete Newel at (805) 781-5281 or (805) 440-6791.